How to use ICC profiles

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Senior Member
Feb 1, 2002
At home
No, not how to install them, but how to use them effectively.

I've tried converting my adobe rgb jpg files to use sRGB or the Digi-Frontier ICC profile, and immediately upon doing this, they lose the color richness and suddenly become incredibly grainy and blotchy, sort of like they were shot at ISO 800 and up, even though when they used adobe rgb they looked perfectly fine. Is this normal? Will they still print fine even with all this grain?

Sausage said:
No, not how to install them, but how to use them effectively.

I've tried converting my adobe rgb jpg files to use sRGB or the Digi-Frontier ICC profile, and immediately upon doing this, they lose the color richness and suddenly become incredibly grainy and blotchy, sort of like they were shot at ISO 800 and up, even though when they used adobe rgb they looked perfectly fine. Is this normal? Will they still print fine even with all this grain?

Here is a typical workflow for softproffing

1. open image in embedded profile
2. convert the image to Adobe RGB working color space.
(if image has embedded Adobe RGB color space, above two steps are not necessary)
3. Softproof using Frontier's ICC Profile (play with rendenring intent)
4. Turn on Gamut Warnings
5. Use level/curve/saturation controls to adjust image till you dont see any gamut warnings. This means that all colors of your image at this stage fall within the gamut of printer.
6. Finally now convert your image to Fronteir ICC Profile color space using the same rendering intent as was used with softproofing.
7. Save the image without embedded profile.
8. your image file is ready to be sent to Frontier lab.


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