Technology has made many jobs obsolete.
...need no minor carpenters we have modern factories now, need no operators, our facilities are all fully automated. Need no film, we now have sensors. Need no printing, we view our photos only on our monitors.
Next thing you know, need no human, because we have AI.
It also helps to explain why that old time pro is behind the counter of that printing lab or at the store front of your favourite camera shop or giving lessons in schools and photo clubs. They can't make it? Most of them probably can shoot a decent photo that we would admire without any effort.
The only businesses that brings in good money are high tech devices that makes life easier (including snob products) or conventional produce like food and water. Anything in between is destined to be redundant.
History had proven so and it will continue to be so. Value is only perceived by its scacity.
When choosing your career, choose wisely. I had 2 ex-classmates whom are my old time photo buddies. One of them had thrown in his savings into photography. Lucky for him, he transited during mid-life from full time photogarphy to running a photo lab, after he realised that full time photographic business had too much ups and downs and he couldn't start a family because no one trusts him for bread and butter- evidently he had lost a number of potential life partners in the process. So he sold all that he had, took a bank loan and run a photo lab instead. Still related to photography but this time round, lower uncertainty because there're always people printing their photos though it seems lesser now.
The other ex-classmate took her money and spent it on studying medicine overseas. Now she's a doctor, earning 4x more than the first ex-classmate (as of now) and could afford the highest ranges of cameras and lenses- good to keep in touch because I don't think I'm buying those stuffs she had.
So choose wisely. A dream that is likely to fail tomorrow is a nightmare that you yourself drafted today. No passion or hobby can be actualized unless it is being paid for at the first place. Have money before pursuing any passion or hobby rather than to end up hating the very thing you loved.
Don't invest your life into career that others see or take up as a hobby, rather invest your life into something that won't hurt you and those around you for whatever reasons.