I used to be a volunteer @ Heritage Conservation Centre, I had some idea as to how they actually archive their stuff...
They use gloves (either latex or cotton ones) to handle their stuff.
They use a myriad of achiving materials, some of them are available outside...
1. Mylar sheet
2. acid-free paper (according to the authorities there, this is darn expensive, like $30 for a sheet or something?)
3. acid-free boxes (expensive again)
4. There's this material used to print digital banners.. I forgot the material name... I'll try to post it once I remember the name. cloth like... forgot the name...
They are very "extreme" using the materials...
using materials to wrap and wrap and wrap..... wow.
Keep away from direct sunlight (and also household lighting, since UV light destroys stuff)..
just something i know, thought I wanted to share this with you all....
erwinx > The products that the museum uses looks like they are from Light Impressions...