How Do You Make Time To Exercise Regularly

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Most of us probably work as early as from 8:30am to as late as 6-8pm and 5 to 6 days a week.
How do you find time to exercise regularly.
And what form of exercise do you engage to complement your tight working schedule.

Please share your ideas.

Know yourself first (find out who you are) and then execute strict disciplined Time Management.

Second, be more willing to sacrifice other events for this health attitude. Took up cycling seriously and do an hour and a half everyday. Do more cycling during holidays and weekends
with cycling buddies trying to rediscover the joy of sharing inner wisdom through peddling.
You will never regret it for the rest of yourself. Know of people who are still cycling at the
age of 104?


I hit the gym at 0600 hours than to work at 0830hours regimentally Mondays to Friday, where possible even if I fall out due to work and photo commitments I get minimum 1 excercise per week. Evenings for life, girlfrens and others. Sleep by latest 2300hours unless client photos to edit. This regime does not apply whilst on overseas assignments.


I do my exercise pretty regularly carrying my tripods around shooting. :bsmilie:

We think that as long as we put some efforts to walk, to carry tripods, and some other
work outs would deem to be exercising. However it is more important to find out how
effective are these exercises to a healthier you?

Going to the gym and sweating it out making effective breathing with the heart pumping
blood all over the place is one sure way of improving your health. Another very effective
method to accomplish this is through regular cycling for at least half an hour daily e.g.
commuting to work peddling on your bicycle.

Many may not know the real benefits of cycling and many may wonder why people at the
age of 104 are still doing it. Even SM at the age of 85 admits that he cycles and swim everyday.
Know what cycling can do to your health in the progress of building up a healthy mind.


We think that as long as we put some efforts to walk, to carry tripods, and some other
work outs would deem to be exercising. However it is more important to find out how
effective are these exercises to a healthier you?

Going to the gym and sweating it out making effective breathing with the heart pumping
blood all over the place is one sure way of improving your health. Another very effective
method to accomplish this is through regular cycling for at least half an hour daily e.g.
commuting to work peddling on your bicycle.

Many may not know the real benefits of cycling and many may wonder why people at the
age of 104 are still doing it. Even SM at the age of 85 admits that he cycles and swim everyday.
Know what cycling can do to your health in the progress of building up a healthy mind.


think this very moment my parents are happily cycling at east coast now...

cos at their age, think if ask them to run would be hard on their knees... so swimming and cycling will definitely be better.

I will usually cycle 30-50km on either Friday or Saturday night.

And my wife and I had made it a point to bring our kids to either swimming or cycling or inline skating every weekend.

My exercise routine does not really burn lots of calories, but the main point is to keep active.

Is cycling a good form of exercise as compared to jogging or running?

We can all make a guess whether this is True or False.

The Twelve of Never

1. To get rid of lifestyles diseases like Obesity & Diabetes.

2. You can get rid of at least 11kg of fat in a year if you cycling at least half an hour everyday.

3. You can burn at least 8 calories in a minute cycling in a moderate manner.

4. A ride on your bicycle for one mile at a moderate speed will only take an average cyclist about five minutes only.

5. You are as fit as a person 10 years younger if you cycling regularly for at least five times a week.

6. A cyclist can travel 4 times faster than walkers using the same amount of energy.

7. Cycling exercises the heart better than walking without the pounding of jogging.

8. Cycling activities reduce pollution that causes Asthma and Bronchitis.

9. Cycling reduces the cholesterol levels on the blood.

10. You can reduce the chances of getting a stroke and heart attacks caused by blood clotting.

11. Cycling reduces the chances of illnesses caused by high blood pressure.

12. Cycling also reduces stress, the risk of cancer, offer more energy, lengthen your life span, sleep better, strengthen bones, lowers resting heart rate.

Cycling when done regularly will get you down
to your ideal body weight. Try buying a pill that will offer
you all of these benefits!


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