How can you tell a CSer from a Non-CSer?

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AstralPrue said:
Oh, we CS'ers have a tatt on our butt cheek. Tell the girl you need to check her butt for identification purposes. :)
Next time we see someone with many red hand prints on the face we'll know that he is a CSer... :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

I think there was a survey done before.
The typical profile for a clubsnapper is:
male, married, 30-40year old, 1.7-1.8m tall, slightly overweight, slightly bald, always seen carrying expensive camera equipment, 50% carry a Lowepro mini-trekker..... :sweat:

Astin said:
I think there was a survey done before.
The typical profile for a clubsnapper is:
male, married, 30-40year old, 1.7-1.8m tall, slightly overweight, slightly bald, always seen carrying expensive camera equipment, 50% carry a Lowepro mini-trekker..... :sweat:
HAHAHA :bsmilie:
I dun seem to fall into the any of the specs as stated.... :sweat:

Astin said:
I think there was a survey done before.
The typical profile for a clubsnapper is:
male, married, 30-40year old, 1.7-1.8m tall, slightly overweight, slightly bald, always seen carrying expensive camera equipment, 50% carry a Lowepro mini-trekker..... :sweat:

A babe with midriff and dyed hair holding a compact digicam is definitely typically a non-CSer?

No wonder they reacted to "U A CSer?" a nonplussed expression.

OT a bit....can you tell whether a photog is a pro just by observation?


zaren said:
OT a bit....can you tell whether a photog is a pro just by observation?


its possible.... depending on wat kind of shoot he's doing....
the way he handles situations and communitcates with his erhm subjects will tell it all imho


siron said:
hahaha thats cool! ;)
Oh, I think I cant even tell the diff between sion and siron, not to mention CSer and Non-CSer.
Where is my bifocal, multicoated, ultrathin, designer spectacles? :sweat:

you can't because that are either out shhoting or behind their computer post processing or in here.

CSers don't have time to socialise :)

Astin said:
Oh, I think I cant even tell the diff between sion and siron, not to mention CSer and Non-CSer.
Where is my bifocal, multicoated, ultrathin, designer spectacles? :sweat:

It's easy to tell Siron from Sion.

Siron is unmarried with many beautiful girlfriends.

Sion is married with many beautiful babies.

Astin said:
I think there was a survey done before.
The typical profile for a clubsnapper is:
male, married, 30-40year old, 1.7-1.8m tall, slightly overweight, slightly bald, always seen carrying expensive camera equipment, 50% carry a Lowepro mini-trekker..... :sweat:

Oh man..that's wayyy off.Haha.What about male, single, 19-25 year old, 1.5 -1.7m tall, normal weight, cropped hair, carrying a nondescript bag or Crumpler range, yakking as he shoots ?

LazerLordz said:
Oh man..that's wayyy off.Haha.What about male, single, 19-25 year old, 1.5 -1.7m tall, normal weight, cropped hair, carrying a nondescript bag or Crumpler range, yakking as he shoots ?
Dont worry, eventually you will become 1 of us:
male, married, 30-40year old(5 years later), 1.7-1.8m tall(maybe not), slightly overweight(this one sure), slightly bald(this one laggi sure), always seen carrying expensive camera equipment(maybe), 50% carry a Lowepro mini-trekker(maybe)

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