Hope (Philippines)

Incredible depth in your photos. I love the way they tell a story words themselves cannot explain :D

Thank bro. I myself also have hard time trying to express how i feel.

A beautiful dream

Children have right to attend school.
Adults believe they will have better future.
But for the children here, does it mean a better life?

The little girl was pretending to be a student doing her home work.
Just like how modern kids pretend that they are doing cooking etc.
I don’t know what she is thinking.
She looks absent-minded as she was looking at me….who is this adult?

The question from her eyes “Will I have a beautiful future?”

Lost childhood

Most of us would have seen this similar expression in Adults who lost their jobs or $$ in the Stock market or investment or maybe in a movie.
How about a kid? I am not too sure why he had this expression. He was just staring into space. Is he stress out becoz he can't play with his friends as he has work to do? Is it becoz he hasn't collected enough metal and plastic to sustain his family income? I am not too sure but this is the first time i seen a kid with such stress out or blank expression.

Very powerful photos.
Thanks for sharing.

A Mother's Joy

This shot was taken in Baseco, Manila, Philippines.

I found this mother sitting in this small little hut along the beaches of Baseco and this seems to be a temporary shelter for them. They cook and sleep in there but one thing i do not know is if they have an actual home. The shelter looks flimsy.

I guess every child is a joy to every mummy around the world. No matter the condition, Mummy will look after US when we were young.
Mummy teach us to walk, talk , eat , shower , date, love and many more. I can't imagine growing up without my mummy.
Thank you mummy!!


This photo was design by my friend from Poland (http://www.facebook.com/marcinescu) as a token of appreciation for the photos i've taken so far. He has been one of my main pillar of support through the years. He is also one that ask me to look beyond perfection. He is a really talented graphic designer. you may view his works @ <a http://www.photoblog.com/marcinescu/2010/11/12/

Thank you Marcin! I can't thank you enough. Now this is my wallpaper on my desktop!

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really superb photos and series.....keep it up! :thumbsup:

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EXCELLENT WORK!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Thank you gelosbox!

really superb photos and series.....keep it up! :thumbsup:
Hi Zaren, thank you for the kind comments. I will try to keep this post going. Hope i can keep it up.


This kid is separating crumbs of charcoal from the metal nails within them. This kid hope to bring some income into his family. Every trip i am there, he is always doing the same thing. 1 kg of metal can fetch around 8 peso. In this community, every cent is earn through sweat and blood.

I think i have ran out of things to say. Perhaps the photo can tell more than i can say. I've attach the B/w version as well. Enjoy.

A broke hand but not broken faith

This boy name is Roberto, he is roughly about 5 years old. I do not know what happen to his arm. Can i do anything to help him? Is it possible to help him? Though his hand is broken but not his faith for God. He still prays for hope. I do not know if his arm could be repaired or not. Let us pray for a miracle for Roberto.

these are very powerful pics, my friend. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

these are very powerful pics, my friend. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thanks bojee for your kind comments..I will keep posting photos as and when i can.

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My Home, My playground


To the charcoal kids, this is their home and playground.
They kids love rain, as they could wash off the dirt from their bodies.
But the chance of body injuries such as burn, cut and skin diseases is rather high here.
This year we want to build a mini hospital and a playground for these kids.
If you ask me my plan in fund raising, my reply would be.... Trust God!
USD5000 needs to be raised now. Not a big amount but the benefit to the 2000+ children will be great.
Please help if you can.

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Thanks for sharing, nice series and thought provoking....

Anyone who wish to donate please PM me. The funds will go directly to the NGO. Thanks!

This is the most emotional thread I have come across... the photos speak a thousand words... such powerful photos. It makes one think how fortunate we are, and yet sometimes we still complain of our "lack".

My hats off to you on your work among the less fortunate... am subscribing to this thread now... :thumbsup:

I got permission from my mentor to post some of his work here.
Hope you guys enjoy it. If you want more please visit his Flickr. http://www.flickr.com/photos/ramdiboy/sets/72157623174470967/show/

Smoky Mountain, Tondo - Brotherly Love

The road is long, With many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where. Who knows when
But I'm strong, Strong enough to carry him
He ain't heavy, he's my brother

So on we go
His welfare is of my concern,No burden is he to bear
We'll get there. For I know, He would not encumber me
He ain't heavy, he's my brother
Brings a tear to my eye when i see this... Thank you for sharing