Hope (Philippines)


New Member
Feb 6, 2007
Here is a series of photo taken in Smokey mountain in Manila. It is not in order. Every photo has its story. My personal favourite is A girl name Angeline which is on page 2 now.

Ulingan, Charcoal factory and the Deadly mist

Certainly, Ulingan looks beautiful in the late evenings where thick smoke formed a natural backdrop against the late afternoon sun.
Looks like mist building up. But I am sure you won't stay more than 10 mins in Ulingan before your lungs got fill up with toxic carbon monoxide.
I started to tear and dry throat in less than 5 mins. How about working inside?

Into the light, there's hope

"Hope keeps us going, without hope we cease to exist."
S.K Tan

Dedicated to The Children of Tondo, Ulingan, Philippines and humanitarian and volunteer workers in the field around the world.

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Your picture is inspiring but also alarming.:thumbsup: Txs for sharing.

#1 is mind blowing. Its like a scene off Slumdog Millionaire! I just so freakin love it. Its a perfect shot of the life of poor children in developing countries - the fact that they can have so much happiness from little things despite all the hardship and suffering that surrounds them. Excellent shot once again!

#2 is lovely too but a little too cluttered thats what is bothering me. Well, then again, thats just me. Its great as long as you love it.

Have fun... Cheers!

FWAH!!! Pic 1 left me speechless!

Powerful...it tells the whole story, Nice job man!!!:thumbsup:

#1 is mind blowing. Its like a scene off Slumdog Millionaire! I just so freakin love it. Its a perfect shot of the life of poor children in developing countries - the fact that they can have so much happiness from little things despite all the hardship and suffering that surrounds them. Excellent shot once again!

#2 is lovely too but a little too cluttered thats what is bothering me. Well, then again, thats just me. Its great as long as you love it.

Have fun... Cheers!
Thanks for the comments. Noted your comments.

FWAH!!! Pic 1 left me speechless!

Powerful...it tells the whole story, Nice job man!!!:thumbsup:

#1 is freaking awesome!!!

your first pic is powerful... :thumbsup:

Thank you for the comments!

your first pic is powerful... :thumbsup:

Thank you for your comments!

Here's a few more to share.

How about tomorrow?

A meal a day is what most kids in Tondo (Smokey mountain) have in a day. Some don't even have a meal a day. An additional meal a day is considered a privilege.

On Saturday 18th Sept 2010,
Kids ministries organize a feeding program for a day. 300 children were given coupons to redeem a tasty meal consist of Rice, egg and sausage. I could see how hungry the kids were.

This kid is staring at his coupon continuously and he seems troubled. I am wondering what is going through his mind.
"Tomorrow i have nothing to eat" or
"How about my Siblings" or
"How about my parents" or
"What will tomorrow bring"
There is so many possibilities.

Food for thought

This photo was taken in Aromas in Manila. The kid on the left is actually sniffing gum. It's a common sight in this area. It's one of my favorite for this trip as well. It's very real and raw.
Pastor Nixon told me he once asked one of the kids "Why do you sniff gum, you could use the $ to buy food" Their reply to him was "if i use the $ to buy food to curb my hunger, it will last me only one day but if i sniff gum i won't feel hungry for 3 days" I do not know if this is logical but i believe it in some ways.

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Your shot stirred up great emotions and highlighted well the plight of people in proverty :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

thanks for sharing, excellent photo and feeling.. thanks again

Your photos evoke strong emotions of compassion and love for these people. I applaud you and group for the time you took to be among these wonderful people.

Your shot stirred up great emotions and highlighted well the plight of people in proverty :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

thanks for sharing, excellent photo and feeling.. thanks again

Your photos evoke strong emotions of compassion and love for these people. I applaud you and group for the time you took to be among these wonderful people.

very nicely done, love the mood.

Thank you all for the comments and words of encouragement. Will post a few more.

This is my home

To this boy, this is his home and playground. This is his family source of income. This is what the whole family survives on.
For years young and old work the charcoal factory collecting wood and burning them into charcoal. Yes life is really tough for this boy but he knows as long the charcoal factory exists, he would survive.How about an education? Oh yes, most of them go to school but for how long? It seems that education is just a formality process that the kids all have to go through.
Education does not ensure them a bright future as job opportunity is lacking out there.


Which part of life doesn't need preparation? This teenager is preparing to burn his next batch of wood to produce charcoal. As i mention earlier, this teen has a built body due to years working in Ulingan. I believe he hasn't received any proper education. Without any proper education to prepare him for the outside world, he will have to continue working in these conditions. Caught in the vicious cycle of poverty. We hope to help the younger generation to break the cycle. Let us all hope and pray.

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I find deep meanings in your photographs. Very lovely. Good job =)

Your photos have definitely inspired us. Would I be correct in inferring that your trip was part of a Church mission? Would you mind letting us know which Church is was? :)