Hope (Philippines)

your first shot is powerful :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

powerful images, two thumbs up!

Thank you for ya comment.

I find deep meanings in your photographs. Very lovely. Good job
Glad you found some sort of meaning in my photos. Your comment is much appreciated.

Your photos have definitely inspired us. Would I be correct in inferring that your trip was part of a Church mission? Would you mind letting us know which Church is was? :)
I did not go with any church. More like a Solo mission to help and i am a free thinker. The foundation we help is called "Malaya kids ministries" part of a church initiative to help these kids. This foundation is base in Philippines.

nice and meaningful!

Thank you for your kind comments.

What were you doing at Age 11?

For most of us, we are in school during his age. For this kid, this is school. School of charcoal production.

To me this kid is an angel, while working in Ulingan he is also looking after his siblings playing by the side.
He never gives up hope for a better future. He keeps working to make sure his younger siblings get a proper meal or maybe in future a proper education . This kid had a choice of either being a criminal or being clean but they chose to believe and work hard. This is something i really admired about this kid.
Pride, resilience and hard work.

"I don't know what will tomorrow brings but
i know, what i do today will bring a better tomorrow."

This photo is dedicated to Mr. Thomas Tham.
I would like to thank him for his guidance and patience.
He taught me to forget what i know and shoot with my heart.
Without him, these photo won't appear at all.
Thank you!

Childhood In Tondo

Every child deserve a proper childhood so do they. In fact they do have a proper childhood. They possess the same cheeky smile and playfulness as any other kids but the difference is the environment they are in. Kids in developed countries play with Barbie dolls, Hot wheels or transformer, these kids in Tondo play with mud, sticks, luggage wheels, Marbles etc.
These kids are unbelievable curious, i remember one kid actually look into the barrel of my lens thinking he might see something and some might even lick your lens like a lollipop. These are some hilarious moments i could share with you guys about the kids there.
Do note that the boy on the left has some skin problems all over his face, hands and legs. Its in B/w so its not so prominent.

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Working Man, Tondo, Ulingan

From the Back he might look like a man in his late 20's or 30's but in fact he is barely 20. This teenager must have been doing this for many years. He is preparing to produce another batch of charcoal. His body is built and normally teens his age would not have such built.
I regret that i was unable to frame his head properly. His head kinda merge with the Canvas behind. Kinda irritate me.

"Hard work is nothing without resilience, integrity, hope and....... belief"

The Balancing Act

This was taken while making our way into Ulingan @ Tondo. The mother was playing with her child by balancing him on her palm. I saw this opportunity to create a silhouette of the mother and son at play. Some might think they are standing on a hilltop but they are not. Its sand mix with the rubbish dump at the site.

For the post processing, i intentionally added a layer of gaussian blur to create the dreamy look.

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Not only are your photos mixed with emotion and sympathy but they are inspirational from an artistic point of view!

Not only are your photos mixed with emotion and sympathy but they are inspirational from an artistic point of view!
Thank you for your kind comments. I am still learning from all the masters around here.
Really appreciate your comments.

I would vote for this pic and the first one in the series.
Hmm, I guess so.

Love the framing. Love the eyes. Love the treatment. Love the light. Enough said.:)
Thank bro! will post a few more.

Walking Away

These kids truly need some help to walk away from all the troubling issue they face in Ulingan.
We know there is many kind souls out there. We will try to help as much as we can.
It's 1 baby step at a time from now on.

Rush Rush Rush

This girl is rushing back to Ulingan to pick up more plastic, charcoal or anything she could find. She must have worked the whole day but i guess it wasn't enough. It's already 6pm when i took this shot and a Sunday when most people around the world are enjoying their rest at home. That's life there.
I manage to pull off this panning shot by some luck. Its not exactly sharp but i like her smile and eye contact.

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A girl name Angeline

I can't really describe this shot but all i can say is her eyes are beautiful. There is so much to say about this photo.
This was taken in Ulingan, prior to this photo i saw Angeline washing her clothes from the rain water rolling off the roof. This tells me water is very precious there. Later on she ran to my hut where we were seeking shelter from the rain. That's when i took this shot.

Photographer self reflection: Would this photo look better in portrait?
To me its her eyes that brought this photo to life. It gives me a very pleasing and soothing feel every time i look at this photo. Do you all feel the same as me?

When the Children cry

Little child dry your crying eyes, how can I explain the fear you feel inside cause you were born
into this evil world where man is killing man and no one knows just why. what we have become,
just look what we have done all that we destroyed you must build again.

When the children cry, let them know we tried cause when the children sing then the new world begins.
Little child you must show the way to a better day for all the young cause you were born
for all the world to see that we all can live with love and peace.
No more presidents and all the wars will end one united world under god.

"When the Children cry"
Lyrics and song By White lion

This little child was crying when we approach her, when we reach right in front of her. She stop crying altogether. The fumes produce by the charcoal making process is unbearable and i am tearing like crazy, I don't know how those kids survive out there. It's tough on an adult like me, i can't imagine a kid going through such condition.

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Your images really stirred the emotions..An eye opener for me..
I love them...


Your picture speak a thousand words.:bigeyes:

One of the best and most memorable series I've seen on CS.:thumbsup:

Hope to see more of your gems.:)

This thread just keeps getting better and better! :)

Though I have not shot anything as beautiful and sad and thought-provoking as this, it reminds me why I want to pick up a camera in the first place.

For me, urs pics are one of the best. :thumbsup:

This thread just keeps getting better and better! :)
Thank you for following this tread. Really appreciate your support.

One of the best and most memorable series I've seen on CS.:thumbsup:
Hope to see more of your gems.:)
Thank you so much for your kind words. Will try to bring you guys more coverage and hope to to even better.


Your picture speak a thousand words.:bigeyes:
Thanks a lot. Hope it has meaning to all of you guys here.