Here's Why You'll Never Get a Good Nighttime Starfield Shot in Singapore.

To give an idea, this was shot at Jurong West. 4x4 minute exposures throught broadband light pollution filter.
70mm at f/4, camera was a Canon 400D.


4 minute exposures how come no star trails har? You using an equatorial mount?

may i ask which part of JW was the shot taken?

Inspired by ArchRival, I took the following shots of Orion's Belt last night using my IR mod D90 and the 70-200mm @ 200mm... then stack them using DSS... Not Hubble quality but I am happy with this initial attempt...


A noisy M42...


Time to invest on an equatorial mount??? Hmmm....

The Orion Nebula has a wide dynamic range. To get the entire 'bat shape' of the nebula, the area around the trapezium stars will be over exposed. Solution is either do a range of exposures or use a true 16 bit camera. But to get the outer H2 regions in sg.....ho ho ho, good luck. Not going to be easy at all.

Using a 200mm on a crop sensor is an ok choice for Orion Nebula, but for things like Lagoon or Trifid, the image will be too small.


M42 + M43, taken with Canon 70-200 F4L with broadband light pollution reduction (IDAS) filter.