Help with auto thyristor!


New Member
Aug 23, 2010
I bought a vivitar 283 for use with my FM2 not too long ago but i dont know how to use the auto thyristor! Can someone help?

Is this a stupid question or nobody on clubsnap can help me? I've tried searching online for manuals and found nothing! The staff that i bought it from weren't very enthusiastic to help either. help!

first, dial the ISO setting on the flash correspond with your camera ISO setting.

#2, select an aperture setting you want to use on your flash, than
#3, dial your lens aperture correspond with your aperture setting on your flash
#4, stay within distance of the flash working range indicated on the flash

when you shooting a subject against dark/black background, close down lens aperture about 1 stop.

when you shooting a subject against light/white background, open up lens aperture about 1 stop.

hope this help.

thank you so much! :)