Help required on pic

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New Member
Jun 25, 2004
Hi everyone

I am new here..... :cool:

Owned a D70 but i guess i am too green to own this good camera. Wondering why there was dark round circle at the edge of 4 corners when i shot the blue sky? Is it becos i used spot metering? :dunno:

Can anyone help me or you need more information about the options i used?

Thanks in advance

I believe it's light fall off at the sides due to you shooting at wide open.

It might be also caused by stacking too many filters causing vignetting.

Posting 1-2 shots here for view might help you get to the root of the matter.

Btw, this question should go to Nikon forum for faster response ;p

generally if the dark area are distinct (black), it would be vignetting. if its a gradual fade of luminosity, high chance its light fall off as stated by espn.

Thanks for the reply. :embrass: Pai se ma..go to Nikon thread cos people there are expert and i am so new..anyway i also haven't really explore how to post in Nikon thread.

I actually wanted to post my pic but don't know somewhere i need to create some webpage etc etc still figuring how to. Will try soon.

I guess it was due to light fall off at the sides cos i shoot at f/3.5, no filter used.

By the way, what is the best way to shoot beautiful sky?

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