Help, my 18-105 got prob

Elvin Wong

New Member
Oct 21, 2006
Jurong East
Hi, does any body encounter his 18-105 screw loose inside the lens?
now my screw loose and hanging around the lens, is it expensive to send to nikon, or get a new lens instead?

You can always give them a call ... :)

Hi since the screw is loosen internally then Nikon should fix for you free of charges. This is workmanship problem I guess.

Hi, does any body encounter his 18-105 screw loose inside the lens?
now my screw loose and hanging around the lens, is it expensive to send to nikon, or get a new lens instead?
you can see or feel a screw rolling inside the lens? just bring to Nikon Service Center to check, they are the best person to advice you, if it is chargeable, can get a quote before proceed.

Sometime call NSC also no use. Anyhow answer. Best is to bring it to NSC.

bring to NSC, they said is my problem, need charge me $100 for screw it in + 7 gst

bring to NSC, they said is my problem, need charge me $100 for screw it in + 7 gst

This type of reply ...
You never screw him arr?

bring to NSC, they said is my problem, need charge me $100 for screw it in + 7 gst

Still got warranty? Should be covered under warranty unless the screw is damaged.

DIY repair? :angel:

To me, $100 is a bit too high, but it could be more complicated than I imagine it to be.
Still, $100 repair for a lens that is <$300, hard to stomach hor?

If you decided to DIY, Do not remove the 3 screws that hold the 5th lens group unit ( the last lens group near the mount).
Unlike other lens element, that lens element requires alignment work to assemble. And besides, it's not necessary to remove the element to search for the screw.

If you decided to DIY, Do not remove the 3 screws that hold the 5th lens group unit ( the last lens group near the mount).
Unlike other lens element, that lens element requires alignment work to assemble. And besides, it's not necessary to remove the element to search for the screw.

Good advice! :)

Thanks DD123 and ZCA

This might help prevent more trouble in case TS decided to DIY

Thanks bros and sis. the problem is they said the inner lens already dirty, cause by the screw oil...
fatigue, estimate how much to repair?

How len can easily get dirty internally ?

If I m u I will screw NSC upside down.. This is obvious manufacturer defect.. Dun tell me all nikon lenses internal screw so easily loosen by itself over some time n usage?

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