HELP !!! Looking for Laptop

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New Member
Hey folks. I am a computer iD10T and need help in buying a laptop to work on and for customer's presentations. Preferbably used. Will be used solely for photo editing and for surfing. Shld you have any laptop to sell or can recommend me one, pse pm me. Will be most grateful. Dun play games and dont need it fpr music either. Purely for pics. Thanks ................ tOm

Well, since you're a self-proclaimed computer illiterate, I would recommend a PowerBook...simple to use, easy to carry, classy enough to impress your clients.

Otherwise an IBM Thinkpad is a good road warrior's super duper hardy and reliable...4 years and it's still running with no hard disk crashes (just a mobo failure under warranty! :sweat: ).

recommend IBM. new is very expensive

probably a used r40/r50 can. or even p4 also can. but getting used laptop is mroe risky

got to go hwz. there's this kenshin guy over there..he deals wif laptops quite a lot. can consult him

or for less fuss: buy a brand new acer. pentium M 1.4ghz. soem people will slam it for being junk every now and but overall consensus is that its value for money :thumbsup:

Hi Tom. I can show you mine. You can feel it, touch it, play with it! You can even press here press there. But you can't take it home. Stop thinking dirty. It's an IBM T41. You can get teh R series too. Just need to hunt for them on the web. A friend bought one for $1000. Damn new like a virgin. Pretty good deal.

tom_lim said:
Hey folks. I am a computer iD10T and need help in buying a laptop to work on and for customer's presentations. Preferbably used. Will be used solely for photo editing and for surfing. Shld you have any laptop to sell or can recommend me one, pse pm me. Will be most grateful. Dun play games and dont need it fpr music either. Purely for pics. Thanks ................ tOm

for photo editing and surfing.... $$$ not a problem... get the powerbook.

jbma said:
Hi Tom. I can show you mine. You can feel it, touch it, play with it! You can even press here press there. But you can't take it home. Stop thinking dirty. It's an IBM T41. You can get teh R series too. Just need to hunt for them on the web. A friend bought one for $1000. Damn new like a virgin. Pretty good deal.

You mean you had a friend who bought the R or T series for $1000. Used? I'm in the market for a laptop too... and looking at ibm. Where did your friend get this deal?


tert said:
You mean you had a friend who bought the R or T series for $1000. Used? I'm in the market for a laptop too... and looking at ibm. Where did your friend get this deal?

He is all smiles from ear to ear now. I have been looking for one for my daughter to the past six months. There are crappy ones lah but I guess this kind of good deal is one in a million. When I saw it I immediately offer to buy it from him but no go. He found out from friend's sister whose colleague need cash fast.

SniperD said:
anyone thinking about the Asus M6000N? stats look good :)

Actually thats a pretty decent model. Saw it at SLS 2 days ago.

tom_lim said:
Hey folks. I am a computer iD10T and need help in buying a laptop to work on and for customer's presentations. Preferbably used. Will be used solely for photo editing and for surfing. Shld you have any laptop to sell or can recommend me one, pse pm me. Will be most grateful. Dun play games and dont need it fpr music either. Purely for pics. Thanks ................ tOm

get an apple powerbook/ibook... :thumbsup:

terrific for presentations as projectors simply plug and play! stick in a bluetooth module, and use your BT phone as a laser pointer or as a presentation remote...

photo editing? you got your PS! and of cos, one of the most stable platforms you'll ever find! :) it even comes with firewire to transfer your pics man!

what more? there are many photographers out there who swears by a mac!

Thanks for the response folks. I dont have a fixed budget but prefer to buy it 2nd hand. Rule of thumb is VFM (value for money). Was hoping to buy from a fellow CSer cos a photog would know wat another photog needs. No use going to SLS cos i dont even know a good deal when it stares me in the e :bigeyes: e!!! Worst still, may en d up buying a junk set... Lolz ... Unless some kind soul wants to bring me shopping (serious - i buy kopi lah)!! ...... Cheerzzz and have a great week-end ......... tOm

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