Help! Canon 60D Rubber Peeling

This what actually happened to my 60D..So disappointing.. 60D is not a cheap camera what is wrong with the Canon Quality Control..?

Re: HELP: 550D rubber grip peeling
i encountered this problem before. from what i see the prob is not from the tapes that were used to stick the grip.

its the molding of the rubber that is too big so it doesnt follow the body nicely. straight out from the box might be just fine but after few weeks of gripping the rubber,it will start to 'kembung' out.

retaping is just a temporarial fix. canon got to do something with the grip itself.

anyway rubber grip coming off is normal..but for a camera aged less than a year?
come on canon. malu la.

Here's the link related to this problem.

not to mention:

- front-back focusing issues of lenses (Not that other brand cameras don't experience this but Canon is notorious for it)

-inconsistent and less sophisticated flash system (compared to Nikon)

- sluggish and more limited AF points in the supposed pro level 5D MKII (not that some care though)

- expensive plastic lens hoods that scratch easily and you have to buy for non-L lenses

- old lenses that need updating eg 35mm f/2 and 50mm macro but instead they came up with hard to understand lenses like the new 70-300L and 8-15L

- useless pouches given for L lenses which hardly anyone uses

Beats me... Dunno what they're doing.

As for the rubber grip issue, send to Canon for inspection. It just doesn't sound good for a rather new cam. I think xxD series is steadily considered low-end market to Canon so they are cutting cost? But this should not even happen if you don't handle the cam in rough conditions.

It's a quality issue. My 7mths old 550D also have the same problem, peeling rubber at the body grip. This happen when I went to taiwan and the weather temp drop to 8Degree C. Then i send to CSC last week. They say its not covered by the warranty. The rubeer cost around 20-30 sgd. Another thing is they dont have the spare for 550D so i must wait for 2-3weeks, they say they will call me if spare arrive.. FYI...

Sony used to have this problem with camera and lenses. Now it's Canon's turn...

my 7D's grip rubber is starting to peel off too... and just when the 1 year waranty is just over. Tempted to use super glue but not sure if it will spoil the thing. Maybe TS can update once the 60D is back from CSC? Cos its gonna be kinda stupid to pay when all CSC does is just use super glue as well =X
If the warranty just expired recently, you can still go to CSC and check, their customer service is quite good and they might just repair the rubber peeling for you FOC out of good will.

First the mirror drops off the 5Ds, now the rubber grips are peeling off the 7Ds and 60Ds. Canon is using very strange ways to cut costs. Wonder what will start falling out in the future models.
there is also a mirror box problem on 5D Mark II that usually happen after the expiry of warranty as well (symptom: err 01).

opps i din mean the grip on the 7D itself, my 7D is still in great condition just that the BG-E7 grip the rubber part when you hold it in portrait orientation is coming out. The whole piece is still intact just that like the glue or whatever they used wasn't strong enough(i think) to hold it down...

This is funny, the cameras I let my student use in school, 400D, 1000D, 500D, 550D do not have this problem even when they are sometimes being abused.:dunno: I guess is just luck. Just like some people's shoe, their sole comes off after 1 to 2 weeks of wearing...

20-30 dollars to replace that?? gosh. anyway, when i used 50D i never have this problem. nikon also has its problem...their grip will "melt" and get sticky over time. so, i guess its pretty normal? if u want the grip to be replaced FOC, perhaps u can try to kpkb at CSC. one thing i like about canon is CSC. haha!

Just glue it back yourself. I am a custom fishing rod builder and I hear such complaints everyday from anglers about their rod grip slipping and pealing and looking for repair shops. My advise has always been to learn the correct process of how to do such simple and basic repairs yourself. Just search on the web and you get your answers. Some of my SLRs are more than 30 years old and the leatherette are still OK. So one must also learn how to upkeep them. Don't know, learn instead of just voicing your problem here. Our environment is very damaging and everything will deteriorate in time, including you and I. At my age, I am thankful that I can still walk and take photos. So say thank you everyday more often.

My five-years-old 350D and year and three-months-old 7D has no such problems.

Could it be the PH value of the dry cabinet set to "too dry"?

Those peeling demo sets at Best Denkis, Canon Vivo could be due to their constant aircon environment which is too dry and causes the glue to loose it's effectiveness.

Just guessing...

Just glue it back yourself. I am a custom fishing rod builder and I hear such complaints everyday from anglers about their rod grip slipping and pealing and looking for repair shops. My advise has always been to learn the correct process of how to do such simple and basic repairs yourself. Just search on the web and you get your answers. Some of my SLRs are more than 30 years old and the leatherette are still OK. So one must also learn how to upkeep them. Don't know, learn instead of just voicing your problem here. Our environment is very damaging and everything will deteriorate in time, including you and I. At my age, I am thankful that I can still walk and take photos. So say thank you everyday more often.

One of the few very sensibble comment in our current world, where people just "ask and you will get/pay for it"..... DIY in sg is a rare rare thing.....

Thank God for being alive each day..... ;)


Don't waste your time going to CSC for repair if you don't want to pay 20-30 dollars for peeling rubber grip of your camera because its very easy to glue it back! All you need is courage, extra careful and right material for gluing and this contact cement is perfectly working! just follow the instructions before applying. Good luck! Thanks a lot clucbsnap peeps!


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Now I'm confused what is camera warranty for? If that's the case that they will charge 20-30 dollars even your camera is still under warranty then I'll do it my self! I found the solution.

Here's the link.

20-30 dollars to replace that?? gosh. anyway, when i used 50D i never have this problem. nikon also has its problem...their grip will "melt" and get sticky over time. so, i guess its pretty normal? if u want the grip to be replaced FOC, perhaps u can try to kpkb at CSC. one thing i like about canon is CSC. haha!

I got a call from CSC yesterday informing me that the rubber grip for my 550D has arrived, so today I went down to CSC to replaced mine, It took around 45 minutes for the repair/replacement of new rubber. Ofcourse I asked again if is covered by the warranty, Thank goodness and it's FOC.;):thumbsup::thumbsup:

danemathieu said:
I got a call from CSC yesterday informing me that the rubber grip for my 550D has arrived, so today I went down to CSC to replaced mine, It took around 45 minutes for the repair/replacement of new rubber. Ofcourse I asked again if is covered by the warranty, Thank goodness and it's FOC.;):thumbsup::thumbsup:

That's great to know! Thx for sharing.

i suspect too that the storage environment is too dry [ relative humidity<30% ]?

Finally! after how many months I managed to go down to CSC and just waited 2 weeks for the rubber grip replacement. Now my camera is good as new! looks cool with the new rubber grip. CSC replaced it for free! Hope it wont peel off again. Thank you Canon! for the great service! However, one thing I don't like I was too scared when the lady slightly dropped my camera on her desk before sending it to the technician and don't even said sorry...but anyway thank you CSC nothing happened to my poor camera.

However, one thing I don't like I was too scared when the lady slightly dropped my camera on her desk before sending it to the technician and don't even said sorry...but anyway thank you CSC nothing happened to my poor camera.

Don't worry, your camera is not as fragile, a slight drop will not damage it... but you should told the lady off.

I remember that time when I sent my 7D in for checking, and the lady dropped my battery and stuff. I was pretty pissed and would have voiced out my displeasure... but she is quite sweet actually so... you know... haiz...