Haunted Changi

I went there once back in 2005 on a ghost tour with the SPI, but we had a huge group like 10-15 ppl so it wasn't as scary, but admittedly that place does give one the creeps.
Whether you believe or not, when you visit a place such as OCH you need to behave and not be too 'rowdy'. You never know what is lurking in those places.
We Chinese always believe in respecting the 'good brother and sisters'.
I was told by my mum that a lady who went on a OCH tour returned home and fell ill the very next morning, see doc also no use and in the end had to seek a medium's help to 'cure' her.

i'm not saying that i don't believe that these things exist. but most of these stories on the web and on blogs need to be taken with a truckload of salt. reason why? i've read most of these stories written in the same style and truth be told, that writing style already flags it off as being unrealistic and just a fanciful story.

go read True Singapore Ghost Stories. they're mostly fake stories made up.

unless you've got a person that has experienced it, then prove it. personally i've experienced such hauntings. why did i say i don't believe? because of how it's written.

Please bring along your proton pack too. ;)



I went to OCH during the 7th month and shoot till 8pm, with only a small torch nothing happened also.