Good zoom/general purpose lens for crop body?

or maybe the tamron 18-270mm VC.

At F6.3 the lens may hunt in low light... most canon body have AF issues in low light if the aperture is smaller than F5.6 (that one of the reason why AF in 2 x TC may not work for a F4 lens).

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currently use tammy 18-50 non vc for all purpose, but now eyeing for tamron 18-270 pzd, but only for bright daylight.
In the night will still switch to 18-50

24-105L is not wide enough for crop body.

then again, that's just me~

It is okay considering that compact cameras a few generations back start at 35mm or 36mm :)

Depends on 1) Do you need f 2.8
2) Budget
3) Do you like changing lens often.

If you f4 is sufficient then 10-22 + 24-105 makes a good pair.

yea i have exactly the same setup. and full satisfy. Used to have 17-55 f2.8. sell coz not good enough zoom for walk around. On the street u dont want to shoot ppl face at 1 meter away. IQ, color contrast, IS, USM, Weather sealed and red color ring + original Hood. what more can ask from $1.2K lens.(got from DD elec).

This is my setup...
17-70 f2.8 Sigma + 55-250mm Canon and 50mm f1.8 Canon

I think 17-70 make a gd walkabout.

My setup

Canon 18-135mm for walk about and 50mm for portraits :)

17-55 with 70-200 II best :thumbsup:

15-85mm if your not looking for f2.8

i am using 15-85mm. i would say a lens with 'enough' reach and wideness :)

IQ is acceptable for my newbie standard :p

i am using 15-85mm. i would say a lens with 'enough' reach and wideness :)

IQ is acceptable for my newbie standard :p

Nothing beats this for focal range on a crop body.

IQ and focusing speed may not be the great, but u at least be able to cover most situations with this 1 lens

Plus IS to make a formidable combo for crop body.

If there was constant f stop, will be ideal.

My other lens is 10-22 uwa. Perfect for landscapes, buildings and comical portrait shots haha

70-200 is the next best for me, but wide end is just too long on crop body.
24-105 - too short
24-70 - too narrow range, but 2.8 will be very useful