Geylang, street photography tour

tour is over and everyone is safe.

for me it was a unsuccessful tour.

tour is over and everyone is safe.

for me it was a unsuccessful tour.

maybe U like to share some of your point or Photos from the tour here....?


that's why i was looking for a decent number. bonrya, please join :-)

There is no strength in numbers in Geylang. The more people you have, the more the possibility of one guy doing something that piss off some people you do not want to piss off...

If you shoot alone or in small groups, it will be better, because you will not look threatening and you will not look conspicuous. And try to use a small camera and not DSLRs.

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Curious why it was unsuccessful. Hmm. Need to go a few more times perhaps?

i'll share some of mine

Street peddlers selling drugs




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looks like Lor 14.

Dun know... but this is Lorong 12 for sure ;)

This is where the "heart of GL" I think still so or had been raided by police until no more?

Was collecting the an equipment from Reddot nearby that day - drop by just to see see. BTW I make sure is no people walking b4 snapping... escpecially couples walking to 81 :bsmilie:

hey Redsun, that was me on the pic... hehe! no, am not heading inside hotel81, i was shooting together with the group!:bsmilie:

here's my share...

the Angry truck driver


"Pimpin' Ain't Easy"


"another day in the office"


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thanks for sharing, any more ?

for street photography ,
i just shoot without asking,
But place like Geylang i ask before i Shoot,
how about U?

i always think...
We all have the own family/friend to face......

*** i always shoot with my D3, & i have no camera bag...

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Curious why it was unsuccessful. Hmm. Need to go a few more times perhaps?
ha bonrya , U have any photos to share? like to view how Your Geylang look like.....


There is no strength in numbers in Geylang. The more people you have, the more the possibility of one guy doing something that piss off some people you do not want to piss off...

If you shoot alone or in small groups, it will be better, because you will not look threatening and you will not look conspicuous. And try to use a small camera and not DSLRs.



tungtong said:
ha bonrya , U have any photos to share? like to view how Your Geylang look like.....


Mr Tung, I didn't go la. :bsmilie: :bsmilie: :sweatsm:

I dont think this body of images really work for me in terms of in an depth understanding of the dynamics of the area

Even if they are hookers I think some decorum and respect should be shown towards them .... and what will a full frontal shot including face do ? Put an actual face of an alleged prostitute out for display ? And if she is not a prostitute but a legitimate resident ? The biased stereotypical prejudice of ANY woman seen or caught walking in Geylang is too obvious

Sometimes, you do not need to shoot a flower to show a flower

Can see its definitely a Brave effort and not easy at all to execute ....... I know that I would have failed miserably because this is water above my head.... so kudos and my respect to you guys who actually went and stepped out of your comfort zone

If returning, how would you do it differently next time ?

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