Gather young and newbie

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Biathalon is hosted at East Coast Park - lol I'm there as officials... lol

wahahaa... perhaps you can tell us where is the best place to "camp" ?

so now whose comfirm going for the shooting?

I think now so far only me and justin. So you wanna come along???

I think now so far only me and justin. So you wanna come along???

will comfirm with you again, got to see anyone home to receive a parcel on sat morning. Hee.. heard that there is a motorcross thingy happening at *scape orchard too.

Ya, i thought about going for that too after the east coast thingy. But justin can't make it for the afternoon cos he has an event to cover. Let me know ok?

Hello I'm a newbie too!

Turning to the big 20 this year which means I'm still 19 =P Do keep me posted on further outings as I'll be keen to join! I'm not using a dLSR or prosumer but a PnS =)

Hello I'm a newbie too!

Turning to the big 20 this year which means I'm still 19 =P Do keep me posted on further outings as I'll be keen to join! I'm not using a dLSR or prosumer but a PnS =)

Dun worry bro.. U are not the only one here w/o DsLr..

Me too.. I've got a Canon S3 and trying to explore wat I can do with it...

Hihi to all those new to this thread! Cheers!! Regulars, this thread is like dying le.. Very long dont have those big outing le..

ey xiaomaiowang you not noobie lah..

Haha, ya, what happened to our outings ah??? How are you guys? Exams over liao?? Just start school? I'm busy working for more $$ to BBB more :bsmilie:

hey all, after these while, I realised that there are many newbies, but so far we see the same poeple every outing.

Shall we have a big outing to encourage more newbies to come along?

hey all, after these while, I realised that there are many newbies, but so far we see the same poeple every outing.

Shall we have a big outing to encourage more newbies to come along?

yeah! no problems.. thou i have missed several outings myself. But i'll try my utmost best to turn up for the next one. Yeah.. Going to ord in another 2months! :bsmilie:

i would like to join you guys too. VERY NEW to photography and to this forum too. 20/m this year =D

how abt going to Changi Broadwalk for a sunset shoot? anyone been there before? i heard there got quite a lot of things to take too.. never been there before :D

maybe everyone can suggest where to go ? I suggest we go somewhere accessible. Once confirmed I can PM all newbies to invite them to join. :thumbsup:

agree , what we need is a location. I have no idea where to go.


Can we revive the plans for Sentosa outing? Anyone interested?

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