Gather young and newbie

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Haha, sure no problem! Thanks for helping!

yes, let's fix it at 7.30 at the "monorail" station at vivocity then. :thumbsup:

it's going to be fun

Dun worry bro.. U are not the only one here w/o DsLr..

Me too.. I've got a Canon S3 and trying to explore wat I can do with it...

Hi Bro, at least u got a Canon S3, I am still buying the "use and throw away" disposal camera bought from 7eleven. Can I join?? :bsmilie:

Hi Bro, at least u got a Canon S3, I am still buying the "use and throw away" disposal camera bought from 7eleven. Can I join?? :bsmilie:

Sure sure.. no problem.. guys! anyone bring tripod? Hee...

You bringing??? Then i can borrow :bsmilie:

1) Kynoe
2) Androo
3) Nkhoo
4) Bahibo - confirm i got go or not later, got some work coming, hope can go.
5) cesoon
6) sebastian987
7) bellamy
8) Stray Sheep --- wanna go too, but working shift, not confirm whether can make it on tat day. Pls count me in for the time being
9) aRcTiC sTaR
10) ihunk

Location : Sentosa
Date & time : 8-4-2007 7.30 am Monorail at Vivo city

I have contact no of

And some who is not in the list. So who in the list but i dont have contact no please pm me . Thanks. If i not going will pass the phone no to Androo. Will Sms to confirm on 7-4-2007. If u want to join ,please add ur name on the list and pm me ur contact no.

Hey guys, i'm 23 turning 24 can i join u guys. New to this so need lots of help from u guys. I don't have a DSLR but thinking of buy one still comteplating whether to buy it or not. Currently using a Powershot A510, old cam better than nothing right? :)

Eugene83, u are welcome. We gonna have outing next week , wanna join ?

I think I look 18 .... tho I'm nowhere near ... can I join ;)
Just kidding, just that OLD newbie like me feels very left out ... :bsmilie:

You bringing??? Then i can borrow :bsmilie:

Hmm.. anyone doing macro there? If have then i bring my monopod to share. Tripod think abit to heavy le. haha.. lazy lah..

Hey guys, i'm 23 turning 24 can i join u guys. New to this so need lots of help from u guys. I don't have a DSLR but thinking of buy one still comteplating whether to buy it or not. Currently using a Powershot A510, old cam better than nothing right? :)

Haha.. join us, get a dslr! Hee.. just joking, anyway you can try to use our dslr to shoot around and see whether you like the controls and stuff before deciding you want to buy anot. And when you have decided to, we can go together to help you see see..

tripod? what time will the shooting end?

think the shooting will end around nOon bah?

I think I look 18 .... tho I'm nowhere near ... can I join ;)
Just kidding, just that OLD newbie like me feels very left out ... :bsmilie:

Hmm.. you got a boyish look ah? how old are you? feel free to join! we've ppl in early 20's and mid 20's too.

Haha.. join us, get a dslr! Hee.. just joking, anyway you can try to use our dslr to shoot around and see whether you like the controls and stuff before deciding you want to buy anot. And when you have decided to, we can go together to help you see see..

think the shooting will end around nOon bah?

Hmm.. you got a boyish look ah? how old are you? feel free to join! we've ppl in early 20's and mid 20's too.

me early 30s leh. :(

Haha.. join us, get a dslr! Hee.. just joking, anyway you can try to use our dslr to shoot around and see whether you like the controls and stuff before deciding you want to buy anot. And when you have decided to, we can go together to help you see see..

think the shooting will end around nOon bah?

Hmm.. you got a boyish look ah? how old are you? feel free to join! we've ppl in early 20's and mid 20's too.

i think the up and coming event on th 8th most likely unable to join u guy coz i just receive a call from my boss just now to go on a execrise to taiwan for the whole of next month, i think i kena sabo by my under study :angry:

anyway if got another outing let me know ah ;)

I'm sorry everyone.. Sigh... Wont be able to make it for the gathering tis time round again... I got the stupid RT from 8 - 10am... I see wrongly I thought its sat...

:thumbsup: for the Great Organiser and the Great Forum!!

a so sorry guys i cant make it on that day. I have got some school stuff that just pop up of now where. so sorry will join you guys next time =D have fun ppl

1) Kynoe
2) Androo
3) Nkhoo
4) Bahibo - confirm i got go or not later, may got some work coming, hope can go.
5) cesoon
6) bellamy
7) aRcTiC sTaR
8) ihunk

Location : Sentosa
Date & time : 8-4-2007 7.30 am Monorail at Vivo city

I have contact no of

And some who is not in the list. So who in the list but i dont have contact no please pm me . Thanks. If i not going will pass the phone no to Androo. Will Sms to confirm on 7-4-2007. If u want to join ,please add ur name on the list and pm me ur contact no.

1) Kynoe
2) Androo
3) Nkhoo
4) Bahibo - confirm i got go or not later, may got some work coming, hope can go.
5) cesoon
6) bellamy
7) aRcTiC sTaR
8) ihunk

Location : Sentosa
Date & time : 8-4-2007 7.30 am Monorail at Vivo city

I have contact no of

And some who is not in the list. So who in the list but i dont have contact no please pm me . Thanks. If i not going will pass the phone no to Androo. Will Sms to confirm on 7-4-2007. If u want to join ,please add ur name on the list and pm me ur contact no.

1) Kynoe
2) Androo
3) Nkhoo
4) Bahibo - confirm i got go or not later, may got some work coming, hope can go.
5) cesoon
6) bellamy
7) aRcTiC sTaR
8) ihunk
9) desmondwz

Location : Sentosa
Date & time : 8-4-2007 7.30 am Monorail at Vivo city

I now have contact no of

And some who is not in the list. So who in the list but i dont have contact no please pm me . Thanks. If i not going will pass the phone no to Androo. Will Sms to confirm on 7-4-2007. If u want to join ,please add ur name on the list and pm me ur contact no.
1 Hour Ago 11:01 PM

All welcome to join ;) Depend on ur shooting style, choose ur equipment, dont bring too many and heavy, weather is hot and may have rain. Also have to walk quite a bit.

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