Garage Project

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New Member
Nov 8, 2005
AMK life
It is 5.00 am and I just finished organising and converting my raw picture into jpeg.

I did a personnal thing called the garage project. (For which I have to thank my models, make up artist, the light guy, the owner of the workshop, the owner of the bug and some more....) I will name them if they allow me.

The picture is as shot without any PS unless the resizing. I would like to do as much viefinder as I can and as less computer monitor as I can.

But there are probably many thing that the PS crew can hint me to better this shot.

Your comments, critics and hints are welcome.



hi Lou, first thought...its coming to the Chinese ghost fest, and I see a headlessfigure.

Or the bug is hungry and is having lunch with the model.:confused: I dun mean any sarcasm, but humor to it.

Distractions to me, are the flash reflection off the wheels and fender (one main flash, 2 slaves and prob 3 top lights), and the huge rock on her finger.

Ur pic does'nt show its intention which I think is the model in a nice garage with a vintage car set up..2 cents.

heheh quite funnnyyyyyy...
the lines are elegant and the lack of identification of the models is in tune with what you've been doing in other pictures

you may want to checout Guy Bourdin and Miles Aldridge also

right now your pictures are still abit tame even though the earlier subject matter you chose was not (bondage)...I'm not sure if that's what you're going for or whether you want the pictures to have more tension going on

There's nothing wrong with postprocessing because the black and white conversion that's done in-camera will only get you so far. You'd want to figure out the Channel Mixer tool in Photoshop for more control of your black and white pictures

keep it up!


Thank you for your comments.

No offence, I like humour! :bsmilie:

I agree for the fllahs reflections. This was one of my first observation when I watch the pics last night. Btu as it was very late, I only had the energy left to convert, organise and resize some. I will do some Ps on that to make it look as one light source only.

The intention? Well? this shoot was a test in away. My first personnal shoot. I did not exactly manage to do what I wanted. I think, I will need to sleep a bit on this one and redo what was not properly doen this time.

I am buying the software to send the picture righ out of the camera to the laptop screen. This will help me in evaluting the pics better while shooting.

Second, I will takemore time per pics and adjust lighting accordingly. This time, it was a bit of a shoot on the fly. I am at the begining of my learning.

Thanks again for your comment.

Sjourn said:
hi Lou, first thought...its coming to the Chinese ghost fest, and I see a headlessfigure.

Or the bug is hungry and is having lunch with the model.:confused: I dun mean any sarcasm, but humor to it.

Distractions to me, are the flash reflection off the wheels and fender (one main flash, 2 slaves and prob 3 top lights), and the huge rock on her finger.

Ur pic does'nt show its intention which I think is the model in a nice garage with a vintage car set up..2 cents.


Thanks for your nice comments. It was nice to see you again.

The lack of identity is on some pics only, the rest is very different. Thanks for the tips, will check those photographer. My main influence so far is the good old Helmut Newton.

That night, we had a tension going on. But it tend to be more calendar of car with hot babes and not exactly what I intended. The bondage, SM thing was also a personnal exercise, but not for too long. My approach is first an uncommon subject then a picture and not the contrary. The girl in the park and the bikini on the beach does not appeal to me altough I see some very good pictures of that theme in CS.

You are right! There is nothing wrong with post processing, but I would like to emphasize on the picture taking process. I will certainly do PS but would like to feel more deserving of the capture then the PS skills.

Appreciate you tip on the channels. Will explore that.



mattlock said:
heheh quite funnnyyyyyy...
the lines are elegant and the lack of identification of the models is in tune with what you've been doing in other pictures

you may want to checout Guy Bourdin and Miles Aldridge also

right now your pictures are still abit tame even though the earlier subject matter you chose was not (bondage)...I'm not sure if that's what you're going for or whether you want the pictures to have more tension going on

There's nothing wrong with postprocessing because the black and white conversion that's done in-camera will only get you so far. You'd want to figure out the Channel Mixer tool in Photoshop for more control of your black and white pictures

keep it up!

Very nice concept and a good combination of models (both car and girl).
As mentioned, the headless model is a little scary ... would have been better to show a little bit of shoulder.

Keep it up and keep sharing.

Thanks Long Thai Bean. I appreciate your comment. The headless lady is apersonnal research on shapes. I did not just want to take a picture of a beautiful lady, that she was already. (In fact, that model is gorgeous and I feel very fortunate to have been able to capture her beauty).

Another model that night was Yun. She is simply marvelous! Yun is the kind of person that has "inner and outer" beauty. Really somebody for whom I have esteem for.

This picture lacks ligth on the right side of the face. We have corrected it on another pic but, I still prefer the expression of the model on this one. Again, you will see the multiple light reflection that will be corrected in PS.

I did not know why my car was breaking down all the time? I found out, she fell in love with the repairgirl....

Pic #2


ok ... here's a little bit more ... after looking carfully at the first pic ....

1) I love that bikini bottom ... its very classy (befitting the car used) and it is not one of those skimpy ones that just tend to show off a lot of flesh ... that buckle in the front and the whole setup just works for me ... It was prob one of the first things i noticed that made the photo stand out to me.

2) second thing I notices was something distracting ... the ring on the model's finger ... Can be corrected easily ... but it does not really suit the workshop/garage theme.

I think the flare and hotspots is a little difficult to control given the car body; but i think it was quite well done ... Not haveing any reflection anf flare would be strange for shooting cars. But I would becareful of the reflection coming off the hub caps; more so that people do not see the photog and the crew in the reflection.



It's a very innovative concept and great shots to keep as part of ur portfolio.I like this concept and effects very much. Great Model with Gd Figure and nice props u've gt too!! Keep it up;)


Thanks Valerie and Lydia,

It is nice to receive a feedback from the feminine gentry.


Gravemaid said:
Nice shots William!! I'm looking forward to doing shoots at this garage!! :bsmilie:

Thanks for showing me the series yesterday, you have some great shots and the concept is certainly refreshing.

Thanks Cyber Monkey!

It was nice to shot with you yesterday. I have learned some more.

You have very good idea for posing models and good control of your lighting.

cyber_m0nkey said:
Thanks for showing me the series yesterday, you have some great shots and the concept is certainly refreshing.

I miss this post. Very good attempts on creativity. I like it very much. Finally you got to do it. Well done.

Thanks Airforce 1. Yep, finally did it. Thanks to a very nice team of people.

Eunice, Kenneth, Alex, Derrick, Shawn, Liz and, last but not least, Yun. Big thank to all of them!

these pics are not processed. I am slowly learning how to enhance them on my computer. :think:

Wills post some later, once happy with the finishing.

airforce1 said:
I miss this post. Very good attempts on creativity. I like it very much. Finally you got to do it. Well done.

apart from the flash spot, i really like the picture.
nice to see a change from all the usual portrait shoots.

Love the 1st pict , fabulous one:thumbsup:

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