G11 and S90 Arrival and Prices in SINGAPORE !!!!!

hi, im torn btw g10,g11 and s90,can any1 enlighten me. Im looking 4 a compact which has gd capabilities and doesnt fail me. I dont mind e build though :)

I do find that the camera design is a bit simple. It is not as sexy as the LX3 and I wish they would put in some leather bits, chrome bits and make it look more retro. But then again you are buying this camera for its image and capability.

IMO, I do like the ability to be able to put into pocket, and yet deliver good image

man this is weird............ prices in Sg seems to be higher than Malaysia, China and HK...????

man this is weird............ prices in Sg seems to be higher than Malaysia, China and HK...????
$749 is the RRP I believe? So I'm guessing shop price shld be around $650-$670?

We'll prolly find out when the cam is released locally (hopefully tomorrow as some posters had mentioned)

RRP in Malaysia is RM1748 = SGD 728 (consider 1 SGD = 2.4 MYR)

Some shops in KL selling at RM1550 / RM1600 = SGD 645.8 / SGD 666.7

So, IMO, Canon Singapore still selling this slightly expensive (with respect to their RRP), unless shops able to reduce the price a lot...

called AP, stock will be in tomorrow (no concrete confirmation) quoted +/-$670 w/gst

I will second that! :thumbsup:
I will third that. ;) A camera in pocket is better than none. (many occasions I have experienced this lol - best photo ops always happen when no camera in pocket)

called AP, stock will be in tomorrow (no concrete confirmation) quoted +/-$670 w/gst
Woot...finally the wait is over! :D

I still remember one shot I didn't get. A monk in yellow robes walking past a platoon of army boys in green sitting on the grass in full battle order recovering from a long march. The sun was low and the light was perfect. And I did not have a camera with me.

I'm going down to Sim Lim tomorrow...

Wallet ready.
Withdrew money just now to get ready for the tomorrow purchase.

Hay Bros,

Ater getting the camera, can anyone of you guys take a pic at ISO 400 at around F5? I want to check out beyond the low noise level, how much detail are lost?

One big problem I notice is that reviews like to shoot at F2.0. Come on, even with DSLR, a lot of us will not use a F1.8 lens at F1.8 unless absolutely necessary. This is just a point and shoot.

i want s90.. so sexyyyyyy :) :)

Ok here is a photo taken at F4.0, ISO 250


Here's another one which I applied lens blur


i was told a demo unit is available at the Canon showroom at vivocity. hope to try it out soon. :cool:

Have just called MS Color...seems that their stocks not in yet. Not sure abt other shops tho...

MS just sms me saying their stocks will be in tonight. Not sure about pricing yet. :)