G11 and S90 Arrival and Prices in SINGAPORE !!!!!

wa bro weekh always one of the early adopters for advanced compact cameras and small dslrs

s90 will be available tis friday. Will collect mine in the evening and have the weekend to shoot around.

weekh, would love to hear your thoughts on the S90 after taking it for a spin. hope to see a review soon. :)

Hi, where did you place the order and how much? :)

I think the rrp is about $760 but will be paying well less than $700. Cheper than LX3.

wa bro weekh always one of the early adopters for advanced compact cameras and small dslrs

am i? I never get th G1 under the fire sale recently. Neither did i try the GF1.
The image from G11 is ok. The S90 shares the same sensor.
And I need a small pocketable cam.

weekh, would love to hear your thoughts on the S90 after taking it for a spin. hope to see a review soon. :)

Don't think I will love this cam so much that I will bother to review it.
I just need a capable pocketable cam that shoots in RAW.

am i? I never get th G1 under the fire sale recently. Neither did i try the GF1.
The image from G11 is ok. The S90 shares the same sensor.
And I need a small pocketable cam.

Ha... i remember seeing you sell the GF1 with 20mm/kit lens, tot you tried and sold it. Previously your pana LX series of threads turned many into Pana LX converts, and I think the EP-1 thread as well :p

ya...small pocketable camera is good, do post some samples after you get it, no need full review type :)

Ha... i remember seeing you sell the GF1 with 20mm/kit lens, tot you tried and sold it. Previously your pana LX series of threads turned many into Pana LX converts, and I think the EP-1 thread as well :p

ya...small pocketable camera is good, do post some samples after you get it, no need full review type :)

replacing the Ixus 95 IS with this cam. my Ixus 95 is about 3 months old but it is still brand new. Never fired a shot or charged the battery yet... :)

Don't think I will love this cam so much that I will bother to review it.
I just need a capable pocketable cam that shoots in RAW.
Same needs here, the main thing appealing to me about S90 is its size. From comparison pics, its definitely smaller than the Panasonic LX3, thus more pocketable. That it shoots RAW is also a bonus....and I don't really care for HD video anyway, so the lack of HD video function doesn't put me off, unlike some others.

Anyway do hope you'll post some sample pics out once you get your hands on it and start shooting. Will be interesting to see how it measure up to the LX3.

Same needs here, the main thing appealing to me about S90 is its size. From comparison pics, its definitely smaller than the Panasonic LX3, thus more pocketable. That it shoots RAW is also a bonus....and I don't really care for HD video anyway, so the lack of HD video function doesn't put me off, unlike some others.

Anyway do hope you'll post some sample pics out once you get your hands on it and start shooting. Will be interesting to see how it measure up to the LX3.
Canon's MJPEG VGA video is very good imho due to the very little compression. :)

S90 and G11 are indeed a very interesting cameras. My next wishlist on GXX or SXX series will be faster lens. If canon can put back fast lens back to the G series.... F2.8 to F3.5 is ideal like the older powershot Sx IS series.

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Anyway do hope you'll post some sample pics out once you get your hands on it and start shooting. Will be interesting to see how it measure up to the LX3.

nah..... not until they have a pocketable cam with APS / full frame sensor.
I'll see the S90 in the same class as LX3... some take here... some give there.

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Saw G11 at great world city's best denki selling at 899.....

Saw G11 at great world city's best denki selling at 899.....
Quite a number of camera shops have G11 already.

And this coming show, confirm canon booth will sell $849. As usual $50 "discount". :bsmilie:

I am trying out the camera for Canon. The retail price is $749 which means you can get it at the shops for cheaper. It will be released this Friday.

Here are some more photos I took:

For food, I used macro function, on AV mode about 50mm range.





Shot in "Nostalgic" mode. You can age the photo with the front dial - pretty nice effect

More night shots:


ISO800 1/60 F2.0


ISO800 1/40 F4.0


ISO800 1/60 F2.0

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This is the shot I showed earlier. With a bit of photoediting, it can be made to look more like a DSLR shot. For this I applied lens blur to the background, vignetting and selectively adjusted the levels and saturation and a bit of sharpening.

So it is a great little camera to bring around in case you don't want to bring the big one.


ishoot> Thanks for the sample pics, quite impressive for a cam of this size. BTW in terms of ergonomics, and useability, how would you grade it against other similar class compacts? I feel that the S90 is quite well designed. However there have been some complaints on other forums from users that the rear control wheel is "too loose" hence inadvertently change settings too easily. Having tested the cam, whats your views on this? AFAIK there is no custom function to "lock" the rear dial yet.

Also, great to know that its releasing very soon, can't wait to get my hands on one to test it too. :)

Well, when it comes to ergonomics, I think that it is not as comfortable to use as an LX3. It is smaller and there is not much of the camera to grab onto. But then, you can slip this into your jeans pocket comfortably so really it depends on whether you want the small form factor or you want to sacrifice size for ease of use.

I do find that the camera design is a bit simple. It is not as sexy as the LX3 and I wish they would put in some leather bits, chrome bits and make it look more retro. But then again you are buying this camera for its image and capability.