Fujifilm S100FS

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sentosa flowers 09






more will come.....pls help to give any comments of improvement and which is the favourite among all

sentosa flowers 09


more will come.....pls help to give any comments of improvement and which is the favourite among all

Yo Bro, I thought you suppose to come for the Punggol outing today but didn't see you there leh. Can't wake up it is;p
Like your third pic most, color very nice.
For the rest of the photos, flowers seems to crop to close liao(which happen to me last time and was commented heavily on this:bsmilie:)
I think more background will be better:)

Title: Guess the fruit

Seldom saw this type of fruit in Singapore so shot a photo of it(maybe it's only me that's too mountain tortoise)
Anyone wants to guess?

Hey, I used to have a custard apple tree in my garden! Never ate it though...

Title: Sunset @ Kuala Kangsar

So boring @ malaysia that I try to take sunrise & sunset everyday but raining most of the time & thus only able to get this shot.

More to upload later

I like this... :)

Hey, I used to have a custard apple tree in my garden! Never ate it though...
So it's call custard apple.
My wife told me that it's "Ang Mo Durian":bsmilie:

I like this... :)
Thanks man, you still oversea right?
A pity that can't join us for the recent Punggol Beach & Kampung Lorong Buangkok Outing.
Lot's of people went & most of their uploaded pic are so nice:thumbsup:

Thanks man, you still oversea right?
A pity that can't join us for the recent Punggol Beach & Kampung Lorong Buangkok Outing.
Lot's of people went & most of their uploaded pic are so nice:thumbsup:

Overseas? No no, I'm in Singapore 99% of the time! I'll try to find some time to join you guys one of these days. But with 3.5 kids... :confused:

nice pic for the kampung trip soulxion :thumbsup:

hehee:sweat: wake up at ard 6am n saw the weather like going rain.....so go back slp again....hehee:sweat:

nice pic for the kampung trip soulxion
hehee wake up at ard 6am n saw the weather like going rain.....so go back slp again....hehee
Thanks aegis for the comments:D

Overseas? No no, I'm in Singapore 99% of the time! I'll try to find some time to join you guys one of these days. But with 3.5 kids...
:bigeyes:WOW 3.5 kids. You are definitely listening to Government advise to raise more kids;p

BTW anyone going for the F.U.N. Photoshop-ping 21st Feb 2009 outing?
They just change the venus to Cheng San Zone D RC @ Ang Mo Kio.
It's conducted by our very own S5Pro expert Photobum & teaching us the basics of Photoshop(which is a very important part of photograhy).
Definitely an event not to be miss.

Yo Bro, I thought you suppose to come for the Punggol outing today but didn't see you there leh. Can't wake up it is;p
Like your third pic most, color very nice.
For the rest of the photos, flowers seems to crop to close liao(which happen to me last time and was commented heavily on this:bsmilie:)
I think more background will be better:)

i prefer third one but unfortunately a bit too tight the croppings.

thanks jacob and soulxion.....I will take note of your comments and will try to improve on in the future shoot

here's my full upload for this series. hope you enjoy it


I dunno whether this camera had been outdated or considered ancient liao

but i still find it quite sturdy and able to take good pics despite taking the pics at the 2nd storey in s'pore indoor stadium during stephanie sun 'the answer is' concert



Hi I am a photography newbie.

I brought this camera to shoot firework at NPD rehearsal but turn out to be disappointment using the firework mode. What is the preferred manual setting for firework? And what is bulb mode?


I am a photography newbie too

Bought this cam from a fellow CSer some weeks ago after looking at the photo post from this thread.

Took indoor shots most of the time. Waiting meantime for flash and some raynox lens from US before venturing outdoor adventure.

I think its still a very good prosumer.

Took some shot from my windows today. Luving snap snap with it.

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