Fuji X10 Images thread

ive been thru quite a few pages of images here, n most of them look stunning.. and not one of them had any signs of this famous blooming or orbs problem. im not saying it doesnt exist, im sure it does of course.. but just how hard it is (for me, at least) to spot it.. and how uncommon it probably is. so yeah.. forget the sensor change, and when its available and where to get it done.. im buying this thing as soon as i got the money! thanks for posting all these lovely shots

You shouldn't believe everything you read on the web, especially without photo proof.

This thread just goes to show that the camera, even one as basic as the x10, is just a tool, and in the hands of a skilled photographer, it can produce wonderful photos. Of course Fuji's sensor and their brilliant colors certainly aided in bringing life to these shots.

my 1st post in this thread , taken during Apr'12 JBOG (JB outing group). The blue is awesome at Tanjong Emas, Muar.





那些年, 我們一起拍的照片



my 1st post in this thread , taken during Apr'12 JBOG (JB outing group). The blue is awesome at Tanjong Emas, Muar.


I like this very much! Was a filter used for this?

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I like this very much! Was a filter used for this?

Thanks for your like.

Just a UV filter as to protect the lens. this shot is taken at DR400%. I have been to beach/seaside twice with X10 since purchase, the dynamic range X10 could produce is amazing. Foreground is preserved, and cloud detail is retained.

my 1st post in this thread , taken during Apr'12 JBOG (JB outing group). The blue is awesome at Tanjong Emas, Muar.





那些年, 我們一起拍的照片


nice. you'll never snap alone!!!

nice. you'll never snap alone!!!

Cheesecake, how are u. long time we did not cross path on CS.
Look at our record, though we registered just 3 months apart, and you have 6X post count than me. I malu :embrass:

Cheesecake, how are u. long time we did not cross path on CS.
Look at our record, though we registered just 3 months apart, and you have 6X post count than me. I malu :embrass:

paiseh, i m very noisy and nosey one la. wahahahahahahahaha

keep posting and sharing ur fotos. =)

Thanks for your like.

Just a UV filter as to protect the lens. this shot is taken at DR400%. I have been to beach/seaside twice with X10 since purchase, the dynamic range X10 could produce is amazing. Foreground is preserved, and cloud detail is retained.

Ah, I see, it's the 400% DR. Nice!

wong_se said:
that is the reason we buy X10, the EXR sensor and fuji color.

Sideline. Hi bro, care to share what other cams do u own?

Have been takng Landscape for awhile with my x10..try some portriat shots today under lowlight.



sweep panorama


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how was it done? in-camera?

Yes, 180 degrees sweep panorama. No adjustments, I just cropped out a bit of the sides, resized and added watermark.

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Yes, 180 degrees sweep panorama. No adjustments, I just cropped out a bit of the sides, resized and added watermark.

waseh, paiseh, i din't even know got such a function in-camera. waahahahhahahahaahahahaha

thanks for sharing. it will be interesting to investigate it further! hurhurhur!

waseh, paiseh, i din't even know got such a function in-camera. waahahahhahahahaahahahaha

thanks for sharing. it will be interesting to investigate it further! hurhurhur!

LOL yeah! It's in the Adv. mode, you can choose from 120', 180' and 360'. ;)

one of my first tries - i think the wobbly lines are due to not keeping it level while sweeping. however, the cable car was moving so perhaps that contributed as well.

cable car leaving harbourfront