from a beginner eye ;)


New Member
Aug 9, 2010
new here and in photography as well , i don't do alot of processing for my works, just merely tweak a little here and there so yeah, just wanna share. C&C is welcome :D

(& pls ignore my water mark)




all shot with 18-135, f/3.5-5.6, 550D

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Nice feel to your pictures. Just that colors are a little over saturated in some cases. And the 3rd pic, your horizon is tilted.

hi thanks for ur comments! :D

ok i really don't to phrase this( just retyped this part of the post lik 15 times!)

erm what does it mean by over-saturation? how can i judge the colours?

and as for the third picture thanks for pointing it out! :D it wasnt taken using a proper tripod though :D

First, welcome to CS.

For your photo if possible try to apply the Rule of the Thirds, that will help the composition of your photo. Try to label your photo so people can refer to them. :)


thanks alot :D

Hi, how did u manage to take the twinkling light frm your last photo?

As long you shot the picture by using long exposure and those lighting will changes the shape to twinkling lights..;)

With a small aperture (high f-number), that is.

To TS, I quite like the feel of #2. But I think the horizon is tilted, and you can see that Singapore flyer is also not straight.

I cannot find your signature(jian yang) on the 3rd photo? Where u put it?