[ Four Thirds Cameras Images ] - Show Your Blues, Greens and Reds!

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film joy


Picasa3 collage...

oly e 520


leicasonic 14-50 f 2.8


I snap a pinhole effect using E30


Mosaic Music Festival (14 Mar'09) - Nokia Open Theater outside Esplanade​

Wicked shot. But would have been even better if you have cropped out the last plank on the little pier. Feels more isolated.


Cats are zen, and I have proof. This one certainly knows something you don't, and is smirking about it.

do you just walk around and take the photo? this is really nice!

Thanks aryanto.....I just do my normal walkabout as usual......that's why my photos doesn't have any particular theme.......what you see is what you get!( it's as good as it gets!......hehe! ;))

Wicked shot. But would have been even better if you have cropped out the last plank on the little pier. Feels more isolated.

Thanks microcosm........I did actually thought about it for a while as it did bothers me at the border of the frame........on hindsight I think you were right......isolation feels much better than giving it solid supporting base. :cry:

Thanks guys.........much appreciated for the C&C.......please keep them coming.
It really helps in the thinking process (before shooting and after processing) in adding that little extra dimensional perspective into your photos.

Cheers! :D


Cats are zen, and I have proof. This one certainly knows something you don't, and is smirking about it.
Cat thought: I am anticipating a flashlight when I hear that high pitch sound of you camera ... better close my eyes. :bsmilie:

Dear All,

Some night shot using E3 with 12-60mm, all shot using handheld, only resize, not much editing.

Boat Quay view, tot this is pretty common shot, however I was attracted by This building call High Street Centre (where Olympus service centre used to be) Used to be the tallest building in the 60s.


Fullerton hotel used to be Post office before hotel.

IR in construction. Please note that there isnt any special effect to achieve this shot.

Clearer IR in construction. We will not see this scene after IR construction complete.

Thanks and enjoy. hope u guys like it.

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