[ Four Thirds Cameras Images ] - Show Your Blues, Greens and Reds!

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Cool! :thumbsup:
Are they from the same family? the elder daugter seems very serious person, middle daugter loves to have fun and the youngest daugter is also looking serious.

Sound of Music ~ 'The Von Trapp Musician" @ Perth, Australia


Cool! :thumbsup:
Are they from the same family? the elder daugter seems very serious person, middle daugter loves to have fun and the youngest daugter is also looking serious.

Keen observation, my friend!.......This was how they look and feel thru'out the day while performing on the street. Only the middle one is truly enjoying herself I feel. Anyway who ( especially children ) wants to 'work' during festive season.... especially during X'mas time?

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Some of my latest photos at JBP (hehehe... that's my initials too)




Great lively street photos, adrewine! Admire the daring spirit of taking complete strangers on the streets..

I went on a walkabout to Outram Park today. Saw a few good opportunities for street photography but was not bold enough to raise the camera and shoot at strangers :sweat:. So i took a few landscapes instead..




E520 and 14-42mm. Cheers.

Great lively street photos, adrewine! Admire the daring spirit of taking complete strangers on the streets..

I went on a walkabout to Outram Park today. Saw a few good opportunities for street photography but was not bold enough to raise the camera and shoot at strangers :sweat:. So i took a few landscapes instead..




E520 and 14-42mm. Cheers.

Thanks redtealongan..........Nice Captures!

I know it is NOT easy at all to do Street Photography especially taking complete strangers in places where you are not familiar.
Those photos in Perth may look simple and easy to take.......but it actually took me an hour for the 'butterfly' in my stomach to settle before I could even summon up enough courage to start shooting lest I might get indigestion after having a heavy lunch in the Food Court.......despite having experience taking many street shots previously.

Well......sometimes you just have to be a little bit 'thick skin' to try.......like they say: 'No Pain, No Gain'......Once you get started.....the rest will be easy..........always be humble and wear a smile when you shoot, my friend.

Cheers! :)

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Thanks for sharing your experience. Will be looking forward to even more of your many brilliant travel photos. :)

Here's another Street Portraiture where I don't have to sneak up from behind. ;)

Miami Vice ~ Perth Style @ Australia

U know what this photo reminds me of?

The current Louis Vuitton Ads!!!

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