[ Four Thirds Cameras Images ] - Show Your Blues, Greens and Reds!

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Nice colours! Somehow I thought if the leaves on the right weren't there, the picture would have been even better! :thumbsup:

*hands andrew an axe* :sweatsm::bsmilie:

Thanks brother Ben............Sometimes one may have to work within the constraint and restraint of your equipment and environment.......hehe ;)

Another shot taken in the Carillon City's Food Court using the 40-150mm kit lens @ ISO 1600.......Enjoy!


You captured the moments.
What need to be done is to remove that white plastic bag on top of myers paperbag that make the man like having a distracting white tail.

Captured with the 40-150mm kit lens @ ISO 1600 in order to freeze the water droplets ~ Perth, Australia


Another shot taken in the Carillon City's Food Court using the 40-150mm kit lens @ ISO 1600.......Enjoy!

When you eat with friends, it is rude to take photo else where(or do your own stuffs) and not paying attention what your friends talking or conversation about hahahahahaha! saw you with 2 ladies on the same table hahahahaha

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cannot let adrewine show off his travels photo! these are mine hahahaha

Three sister at eagle point over blue mountain locate at sydney australia(lengthy eh hahaha)

sydney opera house




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here are the QVB(queens victoria building) in HDR


lastly saint mary catherdral in HDR which all are in Sydney

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Captured with the 40-150mm kit lens @ ISO 1600 in order to freeze the water droplets ~ Perth, Australia

You captured the moments.
What need to be done is to remove that white plastic bag on top of myers paperbag that make the man like having a distracting white tail.

Thanks aryanto....you were right I did not see it from that angle....I was focusing more on the water droplets and the boy's face.

One of the many challenges of doing "Street Photography" is that almost nothing is planned or rehearsed.............often times one has to rely on your intuition, experience and anticipation to get the (perfect) shot...........you win some ....you lose some......Hiaz.......C'est la vie! ;)

Considering the many factors that could possibly have 'spoiled the shot are the many festive shoppers walking in front of your camera - blocked (always), behind the family -distraction (always) and the precise moment the father pressing the water fountain and the positioning of the boy face to the water droplets (luck).......etc, etc.

I took almost 40+ shots........the rest were affected by the above mentioned issues.

Another important point in my street photography is that I seldom/hardly manipulate my picture by eg. 'cut & paste' method,addition, subtraction etc, etc........... (this is diff. from photo editing)....so as to maintain the integrity of the photo. :angel:

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When you eat with friends, it is rude to take photo else where(or do your own stuffs) and not paying attention what your friends talking or conversation about hahahahahaha! saw you with 2 ladies on the same table hahahahaha

I was bored and also couldn't resist the temptation of shooting the X'mas decorations hanging high up on the ceiling atrium.

Had a hard time capturing this shot with my humble and slow 40-150mm kit lens as the ball was swing like a pendulum. Had to crank up my ISO to 1600 @ f/5.6 to freeze the motion and at the same time trying to get the ball smack in the center of the framing. :D

BTW....I'll be in Sydney on New Year's Eve........Would you like to meet up for a shoot?


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2 men talking @ Perth, Australia

As usual, all ur photos are great. This one is fantastic iMHO. It actually looks posed and ochestrated. but i know it was a snapshot. Outstanding. :thumbsup:

Hello all, this is my first time posting here. Hope you enjoy my photos :)

Here are some pictures taken during my short getaway in the UK.

Big Ben

The London Eye

My mischievous nephew, Dante :)


As usual, all ur photos are great. This one is fantastic iMHO. It actually looks posed and ochestrated. but i know it was a snapshot. Outstanding. :thumbsup:

Thanks Oly5050.......This was precisely what I saw in this shot. I'm glad you appreciate it.
Well, when I was walking towards them I saw this afternoon warm light reflected onto them, I paused in midway...raised my camera to eye...snap..snap....he looked up at what I was doing....put my camera down.......I smiled.....they carried on their conversation.......I carried on my venture. ;)

Here's another shot where I had to sneak up to my subject from the back to get the shot..........Luckily her friends and herself all had a good laugh when I showed them the photo.........I guessed I was very lucky 'cos "It's Christmas Time!" ......People are in a cheerier mood :D


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