Fotoguide closing?

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Originally posted by Wai
tomolo? probably u will only see an empty shop liao

just passed by the place this afternoon and all the stock moved away already

I think it must be very emotional for the uncle to close the shop shutters for the last time.... :(

He has been opening the shop for quite some time already right??

Originally posted by sfhuang
bro, got regret you didn't buy lens at the last SEED or not? :D

yah, that goes my micro / macro lens :cry:

Originally posted by SNAG
I think it must be very emotional for the uncle to close the shop shutters for the last time.... :(

He has been opening the shop for quite some time already right??

maybe he is opening another shop in sim lim :D

Doubt so. If they were, they would definitely tell us right? why wouldn't they tell the customers??? Really hope they will set up shop again in future.

...maybe the owners are older ....somewhat....not that updated on the fast turn around time of digital camera hard to sell business down......down....then...close....

Originally posted by sulhan
...maybe the owners are older ....somewhat....not that updated on the fast turn around time of digital camera hard to sell business down......down....then...close....

Nonsense. If they are really so, then they deserve to close. They were selling all the lateset digital cameras available. It is more due to competition & a limited market base that probably caused them to close the business.

I've been going down to Peninsula for the past few days and it's true they are closed. Yesterday, i saw Nelson and Co. wrapping up their rolls of films...hmmm...guess it's the end of a good shop.
Maybe someone in CS would like to set up a camera shop at this premise?
They are not opening up at another location as far as i got a signal frm one of Nelson's fren when they were busy packing up their stuffs.

Originally posted by sulhan
[B not that updated on the fast turn around time of digital camera hard to sell business down......down....then...close.... [/B]

This shop is a favorite haunt for lau jiao. Feel so intimidating every time I go there with these people around. one time i ask for a reversal ring for my canon len for macro work, I got stares from them, still don't know why. And the failure to admit that the trend now is towards digital probably caused the closure.

Actually, they are quite friendly. Got my closeups from them and its quite cheap. Sad to to see them go.

Jia lat. Anyone knows where to buy the power adaptor for Metz 45 CT-4 to Quantum Battery 2? Fotoguide really close at the wrong time sia... :cry:

now cathay should be happy :(

Originally posted by kiama
now cathay should be happy :(

ya....when i past by the place on saturday...saw a CP staff standing in front of fotoguide and see them packing...

can see that he is smiling secretly :devil:

Originally posted by Wai
ya....when i past by the place on saturday...saw a CP staff standing in front of fotoguide and see them packing...

can see that he is smiling secretly :devil:

So heartless ah they... :( Anywhere else recommended now that Fotoguide is gone?

Originally posted by SniperD
or some of the CS members take over the shop space and start our own trading,, hee hee.... best liao :devil: :D :bsmilie: :thumbsup:

online stores lower running cost wor...

I thought we already have a store? It's called "Buy and Sell" isn't it? The "Consumers Corner" covers the e-quotes.


Sorry to say this lah. Its really sad that Fotoguide has to close & I don't think we're being very sensitive to suggest what other shop should take over its space in the very same thread? :(

Sorry to say this lah. Its really sad that Fotoguide has to close & I don't think we're being very sensitive to suggest what other shop should take over its space in the very same thread?


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