Feedback for B & S

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New Member
Apr 17, 2005
:sweatsm: Sorry if this is the wrong place to post.

Can someone enlighten me on how to leave feedback for B & S? I've closed my selling thread so would like to leave a word for the pleasant buyer. Went to my closed selling page, clicked on his B & S icon, went to submit but was prevented from doing so... :dunno:


what was the error message that you got?

i think there may be some restrictions, such as only being allowed to post feedback once a week.

I'm facing the same problem of unable to leave feedback too. I managed to get into the seller's iTrader page, but when I clicked on the "Submit Feedback" link, I got the error "You do not have permission to access this page".

I have the same problem

Convoy said:
I'm facing the same problem of unable to leave feedback too. I managed to get into the seller's iTrader page, but when I clicked on the "Submit Feedback" link, I got the error "You do not have permission to access this page".

+evenstar said:
you're too new i reckon

I know there are members who have been around for a long long time. I've joined for only about 1 year and 2 mths. So what's the criteria/criterion for "new" or "old"? :think: Care to enlighten?

flourish said:
I know there are members who have been around for a long long time. I've joined for only about 1 year and 2 mths. So what's the criteria/criterion for "new" or "old"? :think: Care to enlighten?
Number of post.


Then how many posts should I have before I'm able to leave feedbacks? Is this mentioned in a FAQ somewhere? If not, perhaps it is a good idea to put it in for the benefits of newcomers. :)

Convoy said:
Then how many posts should I have before I'm able to leave feedbacks? Is this mentioned in a FAQ somewhere? If not, perhaps it is a good idea to put it in for the benefits of newcomers. :)

I believe it's 50 or is it higher now?

Klose said:
I believe it's 50 or is it higher now?

I attempted to leave feedback for the pleasant buyer when my own posts was more than 60 already. :confused:

Guess I'll have to wait until there's no more speculation of eligibility but clarity in easily understandable and applicable guidelines. ;p:)

flourish said:
I attempted to leave feedback for the pleasant buyer when my own posts was more than 60 already. :confused:

Guess I'll have to wait until there's no more speculation of eligibility but clarity in easily understandable and applicable guidelines. ;p:)

im wondering about the same thing, what is the requirement for the minimum number of posts before one can post a buyer/seller feedback?

my own posts are just over 50 and i just confirmed that my mailbox has been expanded to 100 msgs, and yet when i tried to leave feedback for a nice seller ive dealt with a week or two ago, i also get that "You do not have permission to access this page..." error

maybe the mods can enlighten us? thanks in advance

tangoinquestion said:
im wondering about the same thing, what is the requirement for the minimum number of posts before one can post a buyer/seller feedback?

my own posts are just over 50 and i just confirmed that my mailbox has been expanded to 100 msgs, and yet when i tried to leave feedback for a nice seller ive dealt with a week or two ago, i also get that "You do not have permission to access this page..." error

maybe the mods can enlighten us? thanks in advance
I will check on the permissions for the ability to leave feedback - some usergroups permissions were corrupted (and reverted back to default) when we had a server software glitch over the weekend.

Darren said:
I will check on the permissions for the ability to leave feedback - some usergroups permissions were corrupted (and reverted back to default) when we had a server software glitch over the weekend.

Just checked now and was able to post feedback! Thanks Darren! :thumbsup:

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