EXPOSE yourself - XXI

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Share food with your hamster, nuts are heathy food.


my sister's hamster's food.

Hai Oh Exposies1

Tired ... Neber knew Vonnie and Ro-Ro could exhaust me liddat!

Aiyoh Zac ... I oso found out only at the last minute, but saw that Ro-Ro posted up asking for anyone else who wan to join, so I rushed off ... to collect Goodwood Park Snowskin Moonies.

Mango mousse with pomelo sax! Hmm ... beri interesting - beri refreshing!

Hai Oh Exposies1

Tired ... Neber knew Vonnie and Ro-Ro could exhaust me liddat!

Aiyoh Zac ... I oso found out only at the last minute, but saw that Ro-Ro posted up asking for anyone else who wan to join, so I rushed off ... to collect Goodwood Park Snowskin Moonies.

Mango mousse with pomelo sax! Hmm ... beri interesting - beri refreshing!

2 young chaps with a OLD DM... wat do you expect...

So did their BIG pieces work well? :bsmilie:

Sweet and sour pork rice with sunny side up.

no photo......

I miss ... Hainese Pork Chops with shiok kao kao chix curry and stewed cabbage!

So DM...

any good shots?

chicken briyani...

only to find out, there's more chicken briyani waiting for me when i reached home :sweat:


double, triple portions...


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