EXPOSE yourself - XCVIV

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You can call the meeting @ the chicken rice place... I'm sure everyone will go if you blanjia. :devil:

Or the expensive restuarant nearby.... :bsmilie::bsmilie:

You can call the meeting @ the chicken rice place... I'm sure everyone will go if you blanjia. :devil:

can fit in so many ppl there meh? exposers + mtg members + mountains of plates of chicken rice?

can't afford to feed so many big eaters! :bsmilie:

Or the expensive restuarant nearby.... :bsmilie::bsmilie:

basket....want to chop uncle issit..... :sticktong

Ehhhhhhhhhhhh dun scare me.
Thought I tell momo I can't make it le cause I had to OT?
Ot finish I headed home liao le :cry:

Just joking, we just finish and heading home now.

i miss japan. nice bananas there.

wanna chop you, I ask you to treat Jiro liao.... :bsmilie:

my, you have expensive tastes! mebbe a rich xmm can treat u instead? :bsmilie:

Join us for dinner, Denise just talk about you, she miss you. :bsmilie:

Jayque is the main course?

Knn, the kuku bus driver driving so slowly.

Got any to intro?? :bsmilie:

sorry, i don't know any rich xmm's...... you need to ask the rich young guys in CS....:bsmilie:

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