EXPOSE yourself - VI

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The girl with the badly coloured hair is me. Taken a couple of yrs back.

Apparently its a private page it says. :(

BAAAAAD BOI! WHIPZ!!! K, I'm soooo NOT going to dirty dance for you on Sunday. HRRMPH!

:cry: i talking to the ger i like mah... :cry: cos u dun wan me! :bheart::cry:

im feeling hungry... :cry::cry: i only had blueberry cheesecake for dinner... :cry:

:cry: i talking to the ger i like mah... :cry: cos u dun wan me! :bheart:

WAHHH ... you try try a bit here, a bit there, then you don;t strike 3rd base on 1st attempt, you hunt other targets liao.

:think: Hmmmmm...now we know a beeeet more about your buaying patterns! :bsmilie:

Ha ha trust me. I have already been dumped by DM. He now no longer :heart: me. Wants me to do what not for his love. :cry:

Words are cheap dah-ling, especially the words of a philandering male homo sapien.

Only constant actions will speak louder than words.

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