Exclusive for CanonGraphers - Free ticket to NUSPS - Montage 2005 Seminar

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+evenstar said:
Me me me..but registering at the door..hopefully there's still space

You got ticket meh??? ;p

+evenstar said:
need tic to register?? if need then i tmr rush down to CDL see whether there's any more free tic

Yes, you need ticket in order to go in. :)

ray_stinger said:
Do not worry, there will be ticket sales there as I heard that there are quite some tickets left. :)

Why buy when you can get it for free? ;p

Go go go to CDL to the free ticket.

Long Live CanonGraphers. ;p

I going for FIR mini concert tml so cannot go. :sweat:
Hope there's another one soon. Ups for CanonGraphers. Free tickets. :thumbsup:

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