Europe Travel Photostory (16 Pages)

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Thanks guys.

The photos have been PSed to the bare minimum. Cos i really sucks at PS. :embrass:


Solid! :thumbsup:
Did you ask the man sitting at the table (P17) to pose for you?

Looking at these pics reminds me of my europe trip.. :cry: :cry:
I wanna go again...

Madmax said:
Solid! :thumbsup:
Did you ask the man sitting at the table (P17) to pose for you?

Hi madmax,

It's not a posed pic. It just caught my eye when I was having apple tea at a restaurant. Haha...

I actually forgot to include the cover page! But it's up right on Pg 1.

Thanks for viewing guys.


Jon, I think this is a very good result of your travelling saga. I enjoy your series very much. Very creative and inspiring. You got my vote.:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

willyfoo said:
Great work compiling them together... brings back memories...

Hey Willy!

Thanks for the compliments. Haven't congrats you on your winning!

Well done!! :thumbsup:

excellent series jon! :thumbsup:


Superb job. Tink can make it into a travel catalogue. Anyway sorry i didnt read much of it cuz was too absorbed with the photos. Just wondering how many days did u take to do this whole thing.

Care to share you itinerary. I'm sure someone who wanna do maybe not the whole trip but part of it wud find it useful. I noe i wud if i'v got the time n dough.

what can i say? good stuff! :thumbsup: i lurve your compositions... your pics really engages the viewers... i look at your photos and always go "hmmm, what else are you trying to say?" :thumbsup:

Thanks Andy n lumen for your comments. :)

wynx said: it took a lot of work to get the layout done. A masterful touch!

Hi wynx,

I took about 5hrs to complete the 17pages from scratch. It was a simple and straightforward layout. So I guessed I took a longer time than those who are much better than me in PS. ;p

Glad you've enjoyed the series.

Thanks guys.

You've been a source of encouragement for me to further improve myself.

Cheers to all!

AdyH said:

Superb job. Tink can make it into a travel catalogue. Anyway sorry i didnt read much of it cuz was too absorbed with the photos. Just wondering how many days did u take to do this whole thing.

Care to share you itinerary. I'm sure someone who wanna do maybe not the whole trip but part of it wud find it useful. I noe i wud if i'v got the time n dough.

Hi Andy,

Maybe we can meet up one of these days and share with you in detail. Anyway, it has been a great travel experience for me and it'll take quite a bit to describe it here.


Wow, great series! Great layout too. Must learn a few tips from you later. :)

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