Employ Singaporeans for what?

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actually let's leave out the PR or singaporean argue aside first.

Actually every level of industry is facing competition. Stall helper, cleaners, and i notice that service industry like MCD had employed more foreigner (seeing people wearing MCD uniform crossover causeway for work) as the counter assistant.. so why still keep arguing it is PR vs Singaporean?

and who employed those Foreign Talent? let's say Singapore wants to attact/beg Apple to build a factory here, then Apple starts to recruit employee, do you think Apple care about what nationality you are? Will you tell something like I am Singaporean please recruit me.
So u cry foul and ask Government to do something on it, so if government said u rotten Apple u better don't get FT, or i eat you. What will Apple do? go other place to build factory lah...

Why don't you ask government to ban foreign workers to work in construction site, so you get more job opportunity? any singaporean wants to work as construction..

sounds to me that the problem is your inability in competing healthily. You failed in overseas, and become a loser in your own country.

You might consider to buy a big mirror and ask the people you see in the mirror, "AM I REALLY CAPABLE OF WORKING???"
elitism!!!!! :eek:

you too mah, not happy because of not getting cash other got. Nothing else =)

Of course, all are for the cash. They are not into the "Citizenship". Just for CASH.:bsmilie:

Some Singaporeans have already migrated to China because their money can stretch further.

End of the day..... the moral of the story is cannot beat them join them. Like me! Working hard day and night.

I am not scholar and not child of some party member or minister so can forget about a elite position in civil service. However I praying that i win 4D or work hard enough and invest and make big returns to become rich so that I can become financially elite. Then i wont have to bother about the grumblings of the ones below me.....

sounds to me that the problem is your inability in competing healthily. You failed in overseas, and become a loser in your own country.

You might consider to buy a big mirror and ask the people you see in the mirror, "AM I REALLY CAPABLE OF WORKING???"

Yeah, when everything is working well for you, you can say something like this to others.

Wait until you are retrenched, couldn't find a job, or contract some kind of illness that reduces your competency, you will not say something like this. Human beings are always arrogant when everything is working fine for them. :think:

What you say to others shall one day comes back to you. Beware!:bsmilie:

Yeah, when everything is working well for you, you can say something like this to others.

Wait until you are retrenched, couldn't find a job, or contract some kind of illness that reduces your competency, you will not say something like this. Human beings are always arrogant when everything is working fine for them. :think:

What you say to others shall one day comes back to you. Beware!:bsmilie:

Can tell he is a amateur in other stuff as well.

haven't gone through the entire thread, but just to share after reading TS's first post, my brother was in the IT industry when he first started work, after 2 years of hardwork, his pay remained miserably low due to the large number of foreign talents, who work for low pay, are single and do not need to support a family in Singapore. he quited the job, went into a short business study course with the little savings he accumulated and after much difficulties found a job in another field, in which he is doing relatively alright now. i think he's lucky on top of being hardworking. BUT i can't imagine how many others remained slogging in the IT industry or made the similar decision to move over to another field but remained 'stuck' with a low salary in a high cost society. the problem with foreign talents breaking Singaporeans' rice bowl is real, not because Singaporeans cannot make it, but both parties are competing on an uneven ground, unfortunately not to Singaporeans' advantage though it's our homeground.

In fact, such Middle East countries do not need these people, as stated in the article, pls read carefully. They only need managers from Singapore companies to run their projects.

That is what government had been encouraging us to upgrade, not HDB but self academic/ exposure/knowledge. From non grad..to grad. From SG market to oversea market to gain exposure and experince. Tuition grant to continue research in uni...etc..

Aren;t government giving incentive for those who continue to go for education...? even bank send their staff for course, the bank can claim back some portion from the govi.

That is what government had been encouraging us to upgrade, not HDB but self academic/ exposure/knowledge. From non grad..to grad. From SG market to oversea market to gain exposure and experince. Tuition grant to continue research in uni...etc..

Aren;t government giving incentive for those who continue to go for education...? even bank send their staff for course, the bank can claim back some portion from the govi.

Oh please, talk is easy. How many construction workers became graduates from the past to the present? I think it is a mismatch in talents in the various field.

Upgrading doesn't means you will get a job.

That is what government had been encouraging us to upgrade, not HDB but self academic/ exposure/knowledge. From non grad..to grad. From SG market to oversea market to gain exposure and experince. Tuition grant to continue research in uni...etc..

Aren;t government giving incentive for those who continue to go for education...? even bank send their staff for course, the bank can claim back some portion from the govi.

i think Singaporeans in general want to upgrade our skills and abilities. but money is not always the only problem standing in the way. doesn't mean that the incentives are there things will work, it's the same with why giving out incentives will not necessarily increase the birthrate substantially.

don't complain so much, let's think of what we can do! let all singaporeans unite :thumbsup:

There are alot of reasons why more foreigners than locals are working in certain industries. Some locals don't want to work menial job 'cos it is seen as 'dirty' and without prospect. So, u see more foreign workers doing construction, labourers, cleaners, etc. It's not true that employers avoid employing locals but prefer foreigners as they are paid less. Yes, they are paid less than what a Singaporean labourer or cleaner are paid but u need to factor in the foreign worker levy and accomodation which the employer have to pay. At the end of the day, the cost of each foreign worker is about the same, if not more, as what a Singaporean is paid. Besides, the employer also has to contend with the ratio of foreigners he can employ. Other administrative matters such as applying for work permits, sending workers for medical check-up, sourcing for accomodation, etc. are time-consuming and add up to their cost. Given a choice, I am sure, many employers would prefer locals but many are not biting. Some are choosy. At my wife's ex-workplace, advertisment for local admin staff are met with phone calls asking, instead of job scope, pay, etc.; whether there are air-con food court nearby, how far is the nearest bus stop, nearest MRT, etc. or "sorry, Defu is too ulu for me". In the end, the employer, having zero success trying to get Singaporeans to work in his company, had no choice but to employ Malaysians to do the job. They grab it, no questions asked.

Let me put it this way, I thought singapore has a pretty good meritocratic system in place.

My wife will sometimes joke with me, that luckily I am no blangalah, else I sure die one. No money to study, got brains also useless. No muscle.

My father took only secondary education, my mom not even primary education. Both of them deliver newspapers for a living. We, a family of seven, used to live in a one room flat in Toa Payoh. My father even lived in a pig sty b4.

Now, my elder sister has a family income of 20+k/month. My elder brother, dunno leh but he got his MBA from stanford and now working in US. Me, the runt of the family, is still stuck in Singapore but I am pretty happy here.

If you want to talk background, I think me and my siblings have nothing much to begin with. Yet, all three of us are OK in life.

It is easy to blame other things when stuff goes wrong. My point is that Singapore has a pretty meritocratic system in place. TRY HARD and you will succeed. Make the correct choices in your career, even though if you dun have the brains (like my sister :bsmilie: ) you can still do well.

don't complain so much, let's think of what we can do! let all singaporeans unite :thumbsup:

Correction it is dont complain so much and work hard to be an elite. Then you will not complain. End of the day the world is a realistic place, you are high up, you enjoy, you are low below, you suffer.

don't complain so much, let's think of what we can do! let all singaporeans unite :thumbsup:

yah, it's really wierd. this always happens.

1 Singaporean faced problems in his own country, and decides to make himself heard.
Another Singaporean comes along, tell him/her that he/she is too childish and should shut up and look at himself/herself in the mirror.

the rest just watch and keep quiet, until the next Singaporean decides to come out to make a complaint, and the cycle goes on. nothing gets solved.

Let me put it this way, I thought singapore has a pretty good meritocratic system in place.

My wife will sometimes joke with me, that luckily I am no blangalah, else I sure die one. No money to study, got brains also useless. No muscle.

My father took only secondary education, my mom not even primary education. Both of them deliver newspapers for a living. We, a family of seven, used to live in a one room flat in Toa Payoh. My father even lived in a pig sty b4.

Now, my elder sister has a family income of 20+k/month. My elder brother, dunno leh but he got his MBA from stanford and now working in US. Me, the runt of the family, is still stuck in Singapore but I am pretty happy here.

If you want to talk background, I think me and my siblings have nothing much to begin with. Yet, all three of us are OK in life.

It is easy to blame other things when stuff goes wrong. My point is that Singapore has a pretty meritocratic system in place. TRY HARD and you will succeed. Make the correct choices in your career, even though if you dun have the brains (like my sister :bsmilie: ) you can still do well.

With 20k a month! Congrats Your family have elevated to Elite status.

Correction it is dont complain so much and work hard to be an elite. Then you will not complain. End of the day the world is a realistic place, you are high up, you enjoy, you are low below, you suffer.
elite no need to work hard.. it's a birth right not an earned status.

come to think about it, i dun even know y the govt wanna start the 5 days work week... its killing off u guys literally. my side still work on 6 days, and most foreign workers are happy to work on saturday as they have no where to go as well, and only singaporeans come interview hear 6 days work week all zao lang liao... and singaporeans who is in our company on saturday is like dun come better, all turn off mode, then never on time... come for few mins then go liao, like its a chore for them, and they come show face is give u face... u get the feel?

Fair what. 5 days you boss shows them face.

Come Saturday they show face back.

Saturday should be a Show Face Day for all workers. :bsmilie:

sounds to me that the problem is your inability in competing healthily. You failed in overseas, and become a loser in your own country.

You might consider to buy a big mirror and ask the people you see in the mirror, "AM I REALLY CAPABLE OF WORKING???"

It's not a matter of competing healthily. In the US, some economies are crumbling. And for that, the foreigners have to be "sacrificed" first such as myself.

I humbly accept this, and return to my home country for means of survival.

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