dsc-w1. good camera!

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afbug said:
err....i am newer than a newbie :) I dunno what is a 52mm Circular Polariser & a 52mm UV filter. Whats the diff between 52mm and 30mm? What is 36-52mm? Pls pardon me but i really do not know. So if i want, i should get a brandless 36-52mm adapter than the sony 30mm adapter?
52mm = "ext diameter" of lens accessories ie. the filters, adapters... etc.
These additional stuff u attach on ur cam's lens come in a range of sizes, which can go from 30mm up to 70+mm, dep on the size of ur cam's lens. U need to get the exact size tt fits ur lens (0.5mm is not tolerated), otherwise u won't be able to attach it. It's wise to bring ur cam along to try it out at the shop 1st before buying.

"36-52mm adapter", in my own words (not sure wat's the proper term) is the metal ring u screw onto the cam's lens in order to attach accessories on it. It looks something like a funnel over the lens. With it, I'll be able to attach lens accessories of size 52mm (which is more readily available in wider range compared to 30mm) in diameter onto my lens (ext diameter = 36mm), Since the outer end of the adapter is bigger (52mm), it will not block the viewing angle of my lens (36mm) even when zoom is not activated (unlike Sony's 30mm adapter). Reason why I bought tt size instead of other sizes cos it so happened tt the salesperson at the shop tried it onto a W1 in the shop & it fits.

Me learnt all these info fr various salesperson at different shops fr Funan & Peninsula... Prior to tt, me have no idea wat all these are abt too, juz like u. :)

limkopi said:
52mm = "ext diameter" of lens accessories ie. the filters, adapters... etc.
These additional stuff u attach on ur cam's lens come in a range of sizes, which can go from 30mm up to 70+mm, dep on the size of ur cam's lens. U need to get the exact size tt fits ur lens (0.5mm is not tolerated), otherwise u won't be able to attach it. It's wise to bring ur cam along to try it out at the shop 1st before buying.

"36-52mm adapter", in my own words (not sure wat's the proper term) is the metal ring u screw onto the cam's lens in order to attach accessories on it. It looks something like a funnel over the lens. With it, I'll be able to attach lens accessories of size 52mm (which is more readily available in wider range compared to 30mm) in diameter onto my lens (ext diameter = 36mm), Since the outer end of the adapter is bigger (52mm), it will not block the viewing angle of my lens (36mm) even when zoom is not activated (unlike Sony's 30mm adapter). Reason why I bought tt size instead of other sizes cos it so happened tt the salesperson at the shop tried it onto a W1 in the shop & it fits.

Me learnt all these info fr various salesperson at different shops fr Funan & Peninsula... Prior to tt, me have no idea wat all these are abt too, juz like u. :)

Many thanks for your advice. Noted :) That means you're using a larger lens? Then you have to buy a bigger bag to carry the lens and stuff around.

Correction bout the movie mode. I think i've found a way to get around its focusing problem. Set focus to infinity in movie should solve the problem but i have not really fully test it yet.

Yupz, I do use much bigger lens (52mm) in tt sense... compared which those 30mm ones if I were to get originals fr Sony... However, a major disadvantage of tt (other than needing a bigger bag for accessories) is tt its presence (be it the adapter or lens or filter) will invitably "block" part of the flash / AF illuminator. But most of the time I won't be activating the flash (for night scenes) so I'm still pretty fine with tt so far...

limkopi said:
Yupz, I do use much bigger lens (52mm) in tt sense... compared which those 30mm ones if I were to get originals fr Sony... However, a major disadvantage of tt (other than needing a bigger bag for accessories) is tt its presence (be it the adapter or lens or filter) will invitably "block" part of the flash / AF illuminator. But most of the time I won't be activating the flash (for night scenes) so I'm still pretty fine with tt so far...

Since we're on the topic of lenses, do you know about filters? Sony has ND filters but what are they for? Any idea? I know one of them is a sunglass (PL) for your cam. Really useful?

I did some research on Sony lens and filters:


VF-30CPK S-$100 (Polarizing Filter)
VF-30SC-$75 (Special Effects Filter)


A bit pricy, how much did you spend on your kit?

Polarising filter works differently than typical sunglasses. A Neutral Density filter will be a closer match to those glasses. Generally, PL is one of the first filter you should acquire as its extremely useful to improve your photo. They are able to give a "bluer" sky and cut down reflections on water surfaces and window panes... Maybe Sony's filter is a bit too expensive, you can try other good brands like cokin or hoya.

Sad to say, I really dunno much. :dunno:
Only got my W1 & the extra stuff barely a week ago, got no time to play with them yet...

Fr wat I gather (fr salesperson/internet):
ND filters, UV filters & Polarisers work in quite similar ways... like cutting down on excess flares, reflections & making colors look richer... But I think with idiot-proof digicams like our W1, the differences among those 3 filters may not be as obvious compared to using SLR / dSLR / prosumer cams tt come with much more manual capabilities & better CCD sensors...

Start off with a polariser lor. Apparently u can turn the lens to achieve different results with tt. Me haven't really grasp the trick yet thou. Got my circular polariser for $46 but I think tt's like over-priced (cos others can get it for around $30)... Cheapest UV filter think <10 can get leow. But again, different size, different brand, different price. Sony is like 1 of the MOST expensive lor... & they're 30mm... a "hard-to-find" size.

I personally prefer getting bigger (>36mm) lens cos (a) better compatablity with other cams (even SLR's!), (b) allow more room for expansion if it's a "common" size cos of wider product range, (c) won't block my lens' wide-angle view! My opinion la... (me newbie too so not very credible... ;p )

rexus said:
Polarising filter works differently than typical sunglasses. A Neutral Density filter will be a closer match to those glasses. Generally, PL is one of the first filter you should acquire as its extremely useful to improve your photo. They are able to give a "bluer" sky and cut down reflections on water surfaces and window panes... Maybe Sony's filter is a bit too expensive, you can try other good brands like cokin or hoya.
Thanks for your imput. Now i know what to get. Will be considering to buy sony's or hoya.

limkopi said:
Sad to say, I really dunno much. :dunno:
Only got my W1 & the extra stuff barely a week ago, got no time to play with them yet...

Fr wat I gather (fr salesperson/internet):
ND filters, UV filters & Polarisers work in quite similar ways... like cutting down on excess flares, reflections & making colors look richer... But I think with idiot-proof digicams like our W1, the differences among those 3 filters may not be as obvious compared to using SLR / dSLR / prosumer cams tt come with much more manual capabilities & better CCD sensors...

Start off with a polariser lor. Apparently u can turn the lens to achieve different results with tt. Me haven't really grasp the trick yet thou. Got my circular polariser for $46 but I think tt's like over-priced (cos others can get it for around $30)... Cheapest UV filter think <10 can get leow. But again, different size, different brand, different price. Sony is like 1 of the MOST expensive lor... & they're 30mm... a "hard-to-find" size.

I personally prefer getting bigger (>36mm) lens cos (a) better compatablity with other cams (even SLR's!), (b) allow more room for expansion if it's a "common" size cos of wider product range, (c) won't block my lens' wide-angle view! My opinion la... (me newbie too so not very credible... ;p )
Other brands dun have 30mm sizes? Hmm....sony...sibeh clever. I refered to this thread: http://www.clubsnap.org/forums/showthread.php?t=91636 Learned quite a bit from that website. But still dunno what size to get :dunno: Anyway many thanks for your help. I just bought a tripod! Kind of big. Olympus O-88.

How much u paid for the tripod? Me consider getting 1 too... for the upcoming Fireworks display @ Mid-Autumn Fest... There's a roadshow @ my office recently... selling Olympus tripod (dunno wat model) for $38...

limkopi said:
How much u paid for the tripod? Me consider getting 1 too... for the upcoming Fireworks display @ Mid-Autumn Fest... There's a roadshow @ my office recently... selling Olympus tripod (dunno wat model) for $38...

I bought it at Funan Courts at $24.90. Actually they're no longer selling it cos they are promoting another brand. But the one they're selling does not come with a bag. I need a tripod bag, so they dig out this Olympus for me. :)

I think for a tripod for use with our cam, no need to buy branded ones. Any tripod below $30 should be fine. Should be compact and light.

afbug said:
I bought it at Funan Courts at $24.90. Actually they're no longer selling it cos they are promoting another brand. But the one they're selling does not come with a bag. I need a tripod bag, so they dig out this Olympus for me. :)

I think for a tripod for use with our cam, no need to buy branded ones. Any tripod below $30 should be fine. Should be compact and light.
Woo... heng ah, this time around I manage to "control" myself nvr buy on impulse... :D

afbug said:
I've tried the movie mode. The focus doesn't work very well. It keep auto focus itself. Must buy at least a 256mb card :bigeyes:
Sheesh... u're right man! The focusing syst for the movie-recording is quite jialat... but guess there's no way to rectify the problem, ya? :dunno:

limkopi said:
Sheesh... u're right man! The focusing syst for the movie-recording is quite jialat... but guess there's no way to rectify the problem, ya? :dunno:

I think i may have found a way to get around its focusing problem. Set focus to infinity in movie should solve the problem but i have not really fully test it yet. :)

hmmm? u mean focus is adjustable in the movie mode? okie... shall try it out...

limkopi said:
How come u can get W1 fr Song Bros @ juz $620?! I juz got mine fr Song Bros (too!) @ Comex '04 for $719... & the Song Bros folks told me outside impossible to get lower price leow... :confused:

hee... i did a bit of bargaining :blah:
infact i was suprised at the price too! cos' during recce, the lowest i could get was 630.. :)

afbug said:
I think i may have found a way to get around its focusing problem. Set focus to infinity in movie should solve the problem but i have not really fully test it yet. :)

the auto focus for movie mode is indeed a bit crappy... seems like the control system's coefficient is not correct. mauhaaha~

i will do a few trials regarding setting it to infinity, and be back with results. :)

A-ha! Din realise movie mode actually allows quite a no. of adjustments until recently...

Anyway, tried the changing the focus to infinity this time round but cldn't tell any diff cos my movie clips' resolution too small (chose the 160 option to save on memory capacity) to detect anything decent... ;p

limkopi said:
A-ha! Din realise movie mode actually allows quite a no. of adjustments until recently...

Anyway, tried the changing the focus to infinity this time round but cldn't tell any diff cos my movie clips' resolution too small (chose the 160 option to save on memory capacity) to detect anything decent... ;p

:bigeyes: I think it does work :)

was taking some candid shots of my office's mooncake fest celebration & i realised tt many of the pix still have ghostly "red-eyes" despite having the red-eye reduction activated when i took the pix... :thumbsd:

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