Dreamcars Asia 2005 - Babes first. Cars? Later lah...

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Senior Member
Dec 23, 2003
West of Singapore
Just some of my best takes during the event. Comments welcome.






The rest of the pics can be found here.

Hi Virgo bro,

I like the pic #4, #9 n #10. They r my fav. Nice shots man, u r really Good!!!!


vbs1979, jUzMoO and 300N, thank you for the kind compliments. My model range very small only. I only stayed there for a short while.

The rest, if you don't like the pics in one way or another, please start fire away. :)

I think this is the first post of so many car shows with proper skin tone and exposure.. :thumbsup:

Well taken..Ü

Nice shots Virgo bro,

long time no seen u here, mus be busy with work? Any assignment or project goin on recently since u last organise a few model shoot and went disappear.


MatthewSCL said:
I think this is the first post of so many car shows with proper skin tone and exposure.. :thumbsup:

Well taken..Ü
Thanks for the compliment on the skin tones. Adjusted a bit with PS. ;p

Also, as we have multi-racial models in the show, having to create proper skin tones for all is quite a task. PS really helps here.

cyberider said:
Nice shots Virgo,
would you mind to share your camera settings?
Sure. What settings you'd like to know? WB? ISO? Shutter, Aperature?

I use auto WB, since the lightings are pretty tricky there; mixture of different lightings like spot lights of yellow and bright white, etc.

ISO: 400 and above for sure.

Shutter: Varies

Aperature: Varies, usually 2.8-4.0 for head shots, and above that for full/half bodied shots.

300N said:
Nice shots Virgo bro,

long time no seen u here, mus be busy with work? Any assignment or project goin on recently since u last organise a few model shoot and went disappear.

Yah...I'm coming in more often now. ;p

Still busy with work, but take some time off for commenting in CS lah...hehe...

For assignments and projects, I've just finished a wedding; and getting on with a car shoot next Sat. Still trying to find a suitable location (outdoor) to place cars like Merc SLK, CLK, Mazda RX8, etc. Any suggestions guys?

I'll try to bring back my models to CS shoot again, and looking forward to you guys' support. :)

cyberider said:
Thanks for info.
Did you use manual mode, aperture priority, or speed priority?

No problem cyberider bro. I use manual mode for all of the pics seen here.

Hi Virgo,

I like all your shots. Very clean and sharp. Colors are very good!

Normally how low in shutter speeds do you go for indoor portraits like this? 1/30s? Handheld.

Full/half body shots at F5.6-F8? How you do that? Won't that drop the f-stop to abt 1/10s or something like that? That's tough.

Metering: Center weighted/Evaluative/Partial?

Mind sharing? Still picking up tips from all you experts ard.

Thanks in advance! :)

birefringence said:
Hi Virgo,

I like all your shots. Very clean and sharp. Colors are very good!

Normally how low in shutter speeds do you go for indoor portraits like this? 1/30s? Handheld.

Full/half body shots at F5.6-F8? How you do that? Won't that drop the f-stop to abt 1/10s or something like that? That's tough.

Metering: Center weighted/Evaluative/Partial?

Mind sharing? Still picking up tips from all you experts ard.

Thanks in advance! :)
Thanx for the compliment birefringence bro.

How long the shutter speed can go depends on the focal length of the lens you use. Usually I use 1/focal length to guage. Some say this is not accurate for digital cam, but so far so good for me. So there's no fix shutter speed to use. You as a photographer should do the settings.

I use manual, so I can adjust the shutter speed and aperature value to suit the different environment. Try not to use AV setting during indoor shoots, as this will push the shutter speed so low that camera shake is inevitable.

I always use centre-weighted for portraits.

Shoot more, try more, take down the settings for different environment, and I'm sure your shots will turn out very well. :)

Virgo said:
Thanx for the compliment birefringence bro.

How long the shutter speed can go depends on the focal length of the lens you use. Usually I use 1/focal length to guage. Some say this is not accurate for digital cam, but so far so good for me. So there's no fix shutter speed to use. You as a photographer should do the settings.

I use manual, so I can adjust the shutter speed and aperature value to suit the different environment. Try not to use AV setting during indoor shoots, as this will push the shutter speed so low that camera shake is inevitable.

I always use centre-weighted for portraits.

Shoot more, try more, take down the settings for different environment, and I'm sure your shots will turn out very well. :)

Thank you, Virgo bro... I will need to go to more indoor events to practise more... :sweat:

birefringence said:
Thank you, Virgo bro... I will need to go to more indoor events to practise more... :sweat:
No problems at all. No need to go events lah...take everything from life. You can practice shooting babies or kids (if you have any) at home, try taking some test shots on non-movable objects at home. Remember their settings and then when there's a chance to do indoor events shooting, go and test out those settings! :)

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