Dont Play with Fireworks


Staff member
Mar 11, 2002
More than enough fireworks related accidents in neighboring countries since this past weekend ..... We were planning to go to our northern neighbors for a weekend of relax and shooting fireworks until I was shown this ..... RIP poor fellow


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if you want to keep your lunch in your stomach ...... DO NOT OPEN that link

kei1309 said:
did you see someone vomit after looking at that?

Now you can eat bak kea and not worry about weight gain

Pretty gruesome. It's like one of those final destination deaths. RIP

makes me wonder... if iPhones can explode in your pants will your camera explodes in your face? If it does the victims will look the same as those pics.

RIP to that poor soul. Police already said JANGAN.

Seen this kind of injuries three times.

First, jumper head slice open by ground floor longkang.

Second, M16 thru mouth at rifle range toilet.

Third, friend fell from waterfall.

See picture still not so bad. On ground is very sickening... can smell, see clearly, and picking bits and pieces up.

Poor soul... RIP.

That's quite disturbing but not as much as that of an aircraft mechanic that was pulled into a Boeing 737-500 CFM56-3 series high-bypass turbofan by the force of the intake suction ‎leaving nothing but minced human innards throughout the nacelle surrounding the heavily chipped off bloodstained fan blades and trailing within the blast zone for tens of meters.

IIRC, it was shown to us during a safety briefing and it really does drilled right through our heads the dire consequences of industrial hazards.

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Hi Ed,

Fireworks enthusiast here....

Poor Fella. RIP's a very sad story (leaving behind pregnant 26 year old wife). The wife, parents, brothers/sisters all watched him get blown up.... Super sad now... I nearly shed tears. :cry:

It's the same old story year after year. For us at least NS and handled our usual frag grenade, M203, LAW, M16 etc... (of course bo bao)..... hopefully NS has taught us something about safety, including lightning safety + fire safety.

It's a 3" shell. It is NOT a consumer shell. Metal pipes as used in that case are absolutely no-no (unless deeply buried into the ground). Even a 1.75" consumer shell can easily blow apart your face from "point blank". An airsoft BB pellet, think 0.40 grams travelling at about the same speed of those consumer grade fireworks which is like in the ballpark of 60m/s for the low-end ones, can already easily bruise you, just 0.40g it's so damn painful. Add incendiary heat and explosion and much more mass, not a fun recipe.

You here? I could share further stories /info with you.... Pyrotechnics are dangerous, but not so dangerous that you cannot let them off. Pyro are not for fun or for play nor is it for modification (at least not at our level), it gets expensive esp with remote electronic firing systems but then it'd be much safer. Leave the 1.3G professional stuff to the pros....

Same stuff like street racing, it can kill!

You can google for fireworks accident kota kinabalu. (think it's not miri)

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That's quite disturbing but not as much as that of an aircraft mechanic that was pulled into a Boeing 737-500 CFM56-3 series high-bypass turbofan by the force of the intake suction ‎leaving nothing but minced human innards throughout the nacelle surrounding the heavily chipped off bloodstained fan blades and trailing within the blast zone for tens of meters.

IIRC, it was shown to us during a safety briefing and it really does drilled right through our heads the dire consequences of industrial hazards.

The pictures are available if anybody wants to google for it. Literally micemeat. I have to say, it's quite one thing to just read the report, and another to see the actual pictures. :bigeyes:

The pictures are available if anybody wants to google for it. Literally micemeat. I have to say, it's quite one thing to just read the report, and another to see the actual pictures. :bigeyes:

minced beyond recognition...

must be a nightmare for the crew who needs to clean up the tarmac, omg..

Actually i wanted to see the pictures of the mechanic being sucked into the turbofan case....but then better not. The world is stressful enough as it is.

For video, can go youtube and search for bull vs horse (1st resul. :sweat:

Now i think they provide protection for the horse ... Bull Fight Bull vs. Horse - YouTube

Actually i wanted to see the pictures of the mechanic being sucked into the turbofan case....but then better not. The world is stressful enough as it is.

For video, can go youtube and search for bull vs horse (1st resul. :sweat:

Now i think they provide protection for the horse ... Bull Fight Bull vs. Horse - YouTube

the mechanic case isn't as gruesome as this fireworks one, cause' it's until like those minced pork you buy from market. you can't identify what is what already, everything is in a mess.

i mean just to strike a comparison.

the mechanic case isn't as gruesome as this fireworks one, cause' it's until like those minced pork you buy from market. you can't identify what is what already, everything is in a mess.

i mean just to strike a comparison.

I see. Anyway, just a warning, i saw in the miri forum someone saying dousing the fireworks with water. Well it doesn't work that way! The fuse is called a visco fuse, and those visco fuses can burn IN THE WATER!

I know some folks go to Malaysia or Indonesia or even China to "play". So think before you do's not as simple as you think. Just get a firework cake (consumer ones called class C or 1.4G), stay low....light it and get the fark away from it fast. A safety distance of about 30m (only for these 1.4G consumer cakes) would be nice and that includes anybody else + houses/cars (you don't wanna burn them down do you). Just have the understanding that the cake could malfunction anytime + murphy's law. Most of the time no issue.

If the cake IA, never look into the tubes. Heck don't touch it even 1 min after it ends....let it rest.

These 1.3G, big shell mortars are only for licensed pyrotechnicians to handle for a good reason. In china you can get up till 8" shells (and they fire them in the heart of Shanghai/Beijing). A lot of people insert the darn shells upside down and BOOM. Common accident. Can you see how fast those shells went up? Easily a velocity of 150m/s. A 10" can even punch a big gaping hole into a 40ft ISO container and that's the lift charge only.



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the china people really don't realise the danger, or do they?

This video shows the scale better with the apartment blocks nearby. This is probably a cake that has 2-3" shells in it, and they are firing 4-6 cakes simultaneously.
