DOF of G2

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Jan 18, 2002
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Do you guys agree that the DOF for G2 is shallow?? Can't seems to get good DOF even with the lowest F setting as compared to my SLR film camera. Comments?

Originally posted by Paladin
Do you guys agree that the DOF for G2 is shallow?? Can't seems to get good DOF even with the lowest F setting as compared to my SLR film camera. Comments?

I'd say the DoF of any consumer digital cameras is inherently high. It's easier to get things in focus, but it's very very hard to get blur background kind of things.


how can it be shallow?? its always very deep even at f2

Hi Paladin,

Yup ckiang is right. Consumer DCs usually have very deep DOF. Try using ALL of the following:

1. Use largest possible aperture.
2. Zoom to max telephoto.
3. Get subject as close to the camera as possible without loosing focus.
4. Choose a background as far away from the subject as possible.

Hope this helps :)

or choose a background which is already blur ...

:) joking ...

u want bokeh effect , you need to use SLR liao ..

Or shoot in macro mode ;p

I thought it was because of the 3x zoom...a 10X zoom optical will definitely give better DOF...

Originally posted by Paladin
I thought it was because of the 3x zoom...a 10X zoom optical will definitely give better DOF...

Huh? I think for the rest of us, good DoF = more things in focus in the picture. But a 10x optical zoom will let you have a blurred background more easily.


Originally posted by ckiang

Huh? I think for the rest of us, good DoF = more things in focus in the picture. But a 10x optical zoom will let you have a blurred background more easily.


Maybe phrase wrongly..but that what I be able to bring out the subject

So you want a blurred background? Shallow DOF... If you use 10x zoom and crank it all the way to telephoto.... well, perhaps you'll get a shallower DOF. Can try photoshop the image to blur out the back/fore ground. But, personally, a real blur will be nicer...

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