"Do you know the world?" --Competition--

Here's mine.


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Arulmigu Sri Rajakaliamman Glass Temple, Johore?

Pardon the picture quality - taken with my handphone.


No takers? Hint- this place has historical significance and if are not a history buff, you probably heard this place from 天龙八部

No takers? Hint- this place has historical significance and if are not a history buff, you probably heard this place from 天龙八部

it looks familiar somehow (maybe from documentary or something), but I really have no idea where this is... or even what this is ;)

btw whatever foreign-language characters you typed are not displaying properly. Not sure if it's my browser, but I can read chinese characters just fine from other websites.

Let me venture a guess. It's the Qing tomb in Xian, China or somewhere else in China. But can't be sure.


kkgoxplore said:
Let me venture a guess. It's the Qing tomb in Xian, China or somewhere else in China. But can't be sure.
Yes, it is a tomb in China but it is not the Qin tomb. Further west and a few century apart.

LAZyNPL said:

You are right. Over to you.

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coldsecret said:
West Xia Tombs near Helan Mountains, Yinchuan

You are right as well but lazynpl posted it earlier.

Okie.... guess where do the following horse-racing took place at??




Name the Autonomous region besides Province name.