Do u dread each waking day?

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We all go through phases in life when we feel that we can't take it anymore. Everyone has problems. Just remember that there is a solution to every problem and the solution lies in YOU. Be strong, and reflect on the problems you have faced previously in life. You will see that everything had an end.

So, whatever pain you are going through will also end. Nothing is permanent in this world.

If you need a friend, I am sure there are plenty of us here who can help. You just have to reach out and you will find several hands that will come to you.

Each day is a gift from GOD - whether you believe in GOD or not, doesn't matter. There is a supernatural force that's driving this universe. Just accept it. Make the most of that day.

If you want to chill out and have a beer, PM me.


there is something called mid-life crisis right? dunno if this is it?

I dunno what mid life crisis is ... only heard of it... so thinking aloud. maybe u can read about it, see if it applies to your situation.

In MC, midlife crisis, one will experience a wide range of uneasy feelings, such as:
* Frustrated with life and/or the lifestyle that may have provided security and happiness since young or .... a change of job or career at a later stage in life,
* Apathy with hobbies/things/people that have in the past, held great interest and dominated your life for a long time,
* Feeling adventurous and wanting to do something distinctive, which you have always planned to do but never got a chance due to yr past or current lifestyle,
* Questioning the meaning of life, religion, belief, etc, and the validity of decisions clearly and easily made years before
* Confusion about who you are, or where your life is going, a belief that there is not enough time for you to do those things that you want to do before you go, etc

These feelings at mid-life usually occur around 40 - 45yo, but can occur even at 30yo or even as late as 60yo, or they can be brought on by external factors.
External factors include financial situations, bereavement, such as the death of a love/close one, poor health, betrayal by others, separation, etc.
Usually time will heel but matured understanding of mid-life crisis might make you to move from thinking that 'there is something wrong with me' to seeing that the feelings and changes associated with mid-life are quite natural and occur to MOST people, male or female, or any race. :sweat:

Chill bro. If you want someone to talk to or just chill out, feel free to contact me. I pm you my number liao. Pls take care.....

Go Borders and get this book and make sure you read it:

Today Matters: 12 Daily Practices to Guarantee Tomorrow's Success (Maxwell, John C.)


"Everyone has the power to impact the outcome of his life. The way to do it is to focus on today….Today is the only time you have. It's too late for yesterday. And you can't depend on tomorrow."
-John C. Maxwell

Thnx for all those PMs everyone.

I had a heart-to-heart chat with my bud last nite and things were talked to a point where I was finally able to release that steam valve in torrential strength.

For all these kind words, I thank all of u for being my strength at this time in my life. Its not exactly 'artistic perfection' per se, like what some of u might had thought its been plaguing me, but a general matter which I guess most of u would not even want to think about... to u or ur loved ones.

For all the concern, thanks a million (even though I may not had met most of u guys). I'm fine after letting that steam off last night (something which I wasn't able to do for the past couple of weeks).

For all those suggestions: Meditation, taking a trip, etc. Thanks for all those tips.

Regards to everyone, stay healthy, stay strong and quit smoking.


Glad that you feel better now. Anyway just wanna let you know that there's only a certain level of low you can go down to.. after that the only way is up... = )

you have a long way to go in life ( not tat i'm any much more older ) so enjoy your ride while you're at it .. the good & the not so good as a whole package.

Was watching the POSIEDON last night and there was this healthy old man, Nelson (Richard Dreyfuss) who wanted to end his rich and colorful life becoz of a lost love by jumping into the ocean! By when faced with a certain death, he was trying so hard to survive the hardships to live! .... :think: That's life!

Go Borders and get this book and make sure you read it:

Today Matters: 12 Daily Practices to Guarantee Tomorrow's Success (Maxwell, John C.)


"Everyone has the power to impact the outcome of his life. The way to do it is to focus on today….Today is the only time you have. It's too late for yesterday. And you can't depend on tomorrow."
-John C. Maxwell

you read the book didn't you?
so are you a successful person now? if yes, I'll buy the book.

Yup. I have read it and I read a lot of other very good books and I spent a lot buying good books.

You can't become instantly successful by merely reading a book. You have recognize and practice the values you learn everyday. Sometimes I read the same good book up to 10 times because every different time I read it, I see and learn difference values.;)

Other good books that I highly recommend are:
The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness by Stephen R. Covey
Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins
Move Ahead With Possibility Thinking by Robert H. Schuller
Good to Great by Jim Collins
Built to Last by Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras
The Invisible Continent: Four Strategic Imperatives of the New Economy by Kenichi Ohmae

you read the book didn't you?
so are you a successful person now? if yes, I'll buy the book.


Glad that you feel better now. Anyway just wanna let you know that there's only a certain level of low you can go down to.. after that the only way is up... = )

you have a long way to go in life ( not tat i'm any much more older ) so enjoy your ride while you're at it .. the good & the not so good as a whole package.
Thnx my friend,

Some things its hard to say it out thru opening ur mouth and easier fingering ur way thru on the keyboard.

Somehow, I feel that this respite is just temporary. And the hole is much deeper than I'm going to imagine (and I'm not sure what is the bottom of the pit's like before I can start climbing up).

Enjoy ur life journey thru with ya boy my friend. And enjoy it together, thoroughly.

look at today and not tomorrow or yesterday. I am not religious so I wont talk about God or afterlife. From a practical and totally scientific point of view. Whatever happens good or bad occurs at that moment in time and space. The past will not bring forward to the present nor the future come backwards to present. A kiss by your loved one exists only at that moment and in your memory as long as you want it to exists. Similarly bad situations only exists when you allow them to persist.

Think about it and perhaps you will enjoy and live each moment as it is. For seriously speaking you say you dread each waking day. There are a few in recent months who didnt have that chance to dread, they passed away in their sleep. They went to bed healthy and never got up. If as some say, there is no afterlife and everything ends when we die, is it not even more important we should live to our fullest?

Hope you give it a think.

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