Debut of my MT-24 twin flash at RRR

Daddy Bear

New Member
Aug 14, 2010
Have been looking forward to using my brand new MT-24 twin flash. Many thanks to my big bro Victor Cheah for all the assistance in getting it set up.

What started as a great morning, was unfortunately cut short when the rain started to fall, first in little drops before it really came down, cats, dogs and all.
Great company, as usual! Great to finally meet you, Bro Ho!

A further word on the Rifle Range Road track, we went right and uphill, and the track appeared to have been cleared extensively, esp the first 500m. Many trees have been felled and bushes cleared. It was not surprising perhaps that pickings were few and far between. I dare say, unless the surrounding flora and fauna is allowed to regenerate, RRR might not be a great place in the near future for macro.

My set up:

Canon 7D/180mm/Ext tubes 36+20mm/MT-24EX twin flash ETTL/+2EV/ISO 400-800/F14/Shutter 1/200s/ Tripod mounted/

A few shots to share:

1. Big Black Ant A

2. Big Black Ant B

3. A pair of mating white-handled flies

4. Morning breakfast with Mr Grasshopper

5. Blue Hairy Beetle A

to be cont'd

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6. Blue Hairy Beetle B

Thank you for viewing! C and C welcome!

Adrian (aka Dad Bear)

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Pretty good shots bro. But i think picture can be sharper. #4 the whites are burnt

Pretty good shots bro. But i think picture can be sharper. #4 the whites are burnt

Thanks Sagita. Was still playing with settings. Will try to improve the next time out.

good attempt Adrian... keep working with ur new toy

Boss your twin flash will work very well with Raynox on, even handheld! For 180mm, think subject is too far from flash to see a big difference.

Nicky, you referring to the above pics? That I should be nearer?

Good series Adrian.:thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thanks for inviting me to the inauguration of your twins... :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

Good series Adrian.:thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thanks Lew. Still work in progress.

Thanks for inviting me to the inauguration of your twins... :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

Ho, it was a pleasure meeting you. Hope to see you more often at the shoots!

Nice shots, like#5 #6 Blue Hairy Beetle. :thumbsup:

thanks Orbi69. I love the little fella. I personally call him my 'kiwifruit' beetle!

I think your blue hairy beetle is very nicely exposed. Yes, since you use tripod, can play with longer shuttle speed.

I think your blue hairy beetle is very nicely exposed. Yes, since you use tripod, can play with longer shuttle speed.

Thanks Victor, will keep working on upgrading your skill. thanks as always for your support and guidance!

i vote for no 5.. nice

Nice series! :)

Tks Glenn. Still a work of progress. Appreciate your encouragement

i vote for no 5.. nice
Tks NikF601, the blue hairy beetle is also my fav, in the latter pictures the lighting was better cos I more or less got the hang of the MT-24. Kekeke.