D90 User Group

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I just bought my D90 + 18-105mm today.. yay

Hi guys, newbie from London here. Just bought my D90 a couple of weeks ago (so im new to DSLR photography).....Looking to buy a few good lenses - 50mm 1.8 Nikon and a decent Macro. Currently using stock 18-105mm......:) The D90 is a wonderful piece of kit.......:thumbsup:

I just bought my D90 + 18-105mm today.. yay
Welcome to CS & to the dark side :)
Remember to read the manual. Shoot more & post your shots in the relevant sections for us to see ;)

hey guys...

I do not know if you guys know about this function of D90.. maybe this is for the new owner of D90 to take note!.. i also just got to know about this function of D90...;)

if you are in M mode at 1/800, f/8, ISO 200 and you dial in +2EV in EC then your meter will now indicate that you are 2 stops underexposed. In order to achieve the +2EV you selected, the meter indicates that you will have to manually change the shutter speed, aperture, or ISO by 2 stops to get the increased brightness you wanted. Once you've done that the meter will read zero and your exposure will be +2EV brighter than the original setting.

The above mentione statement was quoted in another forum.

Hope it helps for the new owner of D90!:)

hey guys...

I do not know if you guys know about this function of D90.. maybe this is for the new owner of D90 to take note!.. i also just got to know about this function of D90...;)

if you are in M mode at 1/800, f/8, ISO 200 and you dial in +2EV in EC then your meter will now indicate that you are 2 stops underexposed. In order to achieve the +2EV you selected, the meter indicates that you will have to manually change the shutter speed, aperture, or ISO by 2 stops to get the increased brightness you wanted. Once you've done that the meter will read zero and your exposure will be +2EV brighter than the original setting.

The above mentione statement was quoted in another forum.

Hope it helps for the new owner of D90!:)

Yes. EV compensation basically adjusts how your meter behaves.

hi all, newbie here. just would like to ask how do i adjust the shutter speed if i'm using the A mode???? thanks

hi all, newbie here. just would like to ask how do i adjust the shutter speed if i'm using the A mode???? thanks

You're are already in aperture-priority mode, so you can't manipulate shutter-speed directly. Alternative means include tweaking your exposure compensation, or your ISO setting. However, at this rate, you must as well go S-mode and let the system handle the rest of the values.

Ultimately, you may want to learn how to use M-mode, which gives you full control over all settings simultaneously.

Hi all, just got my D90 2 weeks back. Have been wondering what size and quality of pictures you all set to?

Initially set to small+normal (so that i can take more :D) but now change to medium+normal. Does 'fine' quality means the picture output will be much better or what?

Usually I take landscape/portraits only. In future going macro and zoom.

Any advice for newbie here? Thanks.

oic, thank you. so if i'm taking a pic in a restaurant using the A mode, i should adjust the ISO to 800??? or what is the best mode to use if i wanna take pic in restaurant w dim light???

You're are already in aperture-priority mode, so you can't manipulate shutter-speed directly. Alternative means include tweaking your exposure compensation, or your ISO setting. However, at this rate, you must as well go S-mode and let the system handle the rest of the values.

Ultimately, you may want to learn how to use M-mode, which gives you full control over all settings simultaneously.

oic, thank you. so if i'm taking a pic in a restaurant using the A mode, i should adjust the ISO to 800??? or what is the best mode to use if i wanna take pic in restaurant w dim light???

Yes you may pump up the auto-ISO to 800 and let the system decide upon a level to be used for a shot. If you may, trying turning on high ISO noise-reduction (normal or high, experiment with it!), so that IQ gets rescued to a certain extent at ISO800 and above.

Now that you mentioned a dimly-lit restaurant, try out a different WB, something along the lines of Incandescent, and also adjust the colour palette selector if necessary, depending on the kind of ambient light you get there.

So now you have aperture, ISO and WB to play around with. With a few experimental shots, it shouldn't take you long to reach an optimal setting :)

(Senior CSers and more experienced shooters, do rectify this piece of advice if anything is horribly skewed. I'm also a fellow newbie contributing this words based on experience at a few dinner gatherings, and these are the settings I tweak around with most often.)

Hi all,

I realise the d90 flash sync speed is quite slow at 1/200. Any one can recommend a affordable and good externa flash that has a FP mode to increase the sync speed? Thanks :)

just got a D90 and tamron 17-50!

finally :lovegrin:

hoping to learn from all the members here:devil:

Hi all,

I realise the d90 flash sync speed is quite slow at 1/200. Any one can recommend a affordable and good externa flash that has a FP mode to increase the sync speed? Thanks :)

instead of flash, u can try using nd filter. If u gt a cpl which i think it cuts approximately 2stop of light, try it. If it satisfy u, u save $.

Hi all, just got my D90 2 weeks back. Have been wondering what size and quality of pictures you all set to?

Initially set to small+normal (so that i can take more :D) but now change to medium+normal. Does 'fine' quality means the picture output will be much better or what?

Usually I take landscape/portraits only. In future going macro and zoom.

Any advice for newbie here? Thanks.

Learn to shoot in raw =) I shoot with raw + jpg basic. The jpg basic is just for previewing or immediate sending to friends/too lazy to post edit.

instead of flash, u can try using nd filter. If u gt a cpl which i think it cuts approximately 2stop of light, try it. If it satisfy u, u save $.

what r u talking about???? :dunno:

instead of flash, u can try using nd filter. If u gt a cpl which i think it cuts approximately 2stop of light, try it. If it satisfy u, u save $.

Flash adds light. ND filter reduces light.

So how can ND be used instead of Flash?? :dunno:

Flash adds light. ND filter reduces light.

So how can ND be used instead of Flash?? :dunno:

I misunderstood that he wants to use larger aperture due to D90 sync speed. Paisey. Haha.


wanna ask is AF 50mm f/1.8D n f/1.4D is not compatible with d90?

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