D800 ---- Not Recommended by Thom

I think i can't hold back my breath any longer regarding this issue.

I dare not conclude but I dare suggest that the D800 and D4 (I'm not sure about D800E) seem to suffer from sufficiently widespread left AF & greenish LCD screen issue. Alot of the so-called problem-less "majority" either do not use the outer points, do not bother to test, have a greater tolerance level or are not willing to admit it as they have spent donkey loads of money to get a D800 or D4.

Personally it took me 5 weeks to fully accept my D4 has issues. My attitude on week one is "it's noticeable but usable and not severe", and now at week 5 it is "very unusable at 24mm and beyond & very serious". It is now going on a long trip to be calibrated and tuned. Regarding the green LCD tint, well lets say everyone including my mom can see it.

Regarding the LCD issue the screen is definitely more accurate in K temperature compared to D3/D700 series. Last time it was so blue your pictures would always look warmer (not a pleasant surprise) on your calibrated display. The green tint I feel is however not a user preference issue and If you pick the best of the lot of D800 and compare it to the greenest there is a very noticeable difference especially with greys and skintones.

The most worrying part of this saga is the potential damage to re-sale value of so called "1st 6-months set". I'm pretty confident the problem is solvable by software calibration of the AF points since the distance (or MA value) of left points are off but is repeatable. Needless to say the LCD issue is nothing internal and replacing the LCD is cheap (I remember it's less than $80 with D3). I have always been a hard customer but Nikon has been nice enough to entertain my numerous visits (lol until fellow mod chngpe commented I should be spending more time developing my career instead of visiting the service centre, which is undeniably true). Nikon service has never been tasty (exception of the now humonguous auto cup dispensing coffee maker which completely destroys Canon's old nescafe machine, and offering exotic flavours such as espressochoc and teh tarik, a must try hehe) but at times they offer small surprises of good service which is refreshing after you have been pissed off for an extended period of time... patience is impt.

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Definitely a fix is there...however other problem(s) may crop up...in my case (D800E) ALL focusing point issue fix, very good now (after AF Fine-tune on all the lenses of course...). If your are using AF-S & single focus point - focusing is dead on and tack sharp. If you are using AF-C, be it single, D21 or D51 mode, it will hunt in average light (at least in my case) despite using F1.4 lens. Average light means indoors during early evenings for example. This camera is -2EV, should focus in moonlight. If I compare to my D3s (-1EV) in the same lighting condition using the same AF-C settings & lens - D3s has no issue. In good light - the D800E is fantastic for both AF-S & AF-C mode, no hunting for AF-C. I have no have time to visit NSC yet but I will certainly do. Not major but I suppose it is annoying if you are using AF-C... I am using AF-S all the time now - at least for the interim if I am shooting with D800E.

I think i can't hold back my breath any longer regarding this issue.

I dare not conclude but I dare suggest that the D800 and D4 (I'm not sure about D800E) seem to suffer from sufficiently widespread left AF & greenish LCD screen issue. Alot of the so-called problem-less "majority" either do not use the outer points, do not bother to test, have a greater tolerance level or are not willing to admit it as they have spent donkey loads of money to get a D800 or D4.

Personally it took me 5 weeks to fully accept my D4 has issues. My attitude on week one is "it's noticeable but usable and not severe", and now at week 5 it is "very unusable at 24mm and beyond & very serious". It is now going on a long trip to be calibrated and tuned. Regarding the green LCD tint, well lets say everyone including my mom can see it.

Regarding the LCD issue the screen is definitely more accurate in K temperature compared to D3/D700 series. Last time it was so blue your pictures would always look warmer (not a pleasant surprise) on your calibrated display. The green tint I feel is however not a user preference issue and If you pick the best of the lot of D800 and compare it to the greenest there is a very noticeable difference especially with greys and skintones.

The most worrying part of this saga is the potential damage to re-sale value of so called "1st 6-months set". I'm pretty confident the problem is solvable by software calibration of the AF points since the distance (or MA value) of left points are off but is repeatable. Needless to say the LCD issue is nothing internal and replacing the LCD is cheap (I remember it's less than $80 with D3). I have always been a hard customer but Nikon has been nice enough to entertain my numerous visits (lol until fellow mod chngpe commented I should be spending more time developing my career instead of visiting the service centre, which is undeniably true). Nikon service has never been tasty (exception of the now humonguous auto cup dispensing coffee maker which completely destroys Canon's old nescafe machine, and offering exotic flavours such as espressochoc and teh tarik, a must try hehe) but at times they offer small surprises of good service which is refreshing after you have been pissed off for an extended period of time... patience is impt.

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Oh yes about the greenish screen, that guy who bought my D800 said he will use a 20% magenta tinted film to colour correct the LCD screen.

Colors are what I make of them in post. I've never paid much attention to the on-camera colors anyway. I pay more attention to the histogram while I shoot.