D7000 users (Part 4)

talking abt the AF n its points, if we were to use the rule of third for composition, how is it possible to do that with a spot metering? thxs.

talking abt the AF n its points, if we were to use the rule of third for composition, how is it possible to do that with a spot metering? thxs.

You can move the selected AF point. Camera will spot meter at that AF point.

from manual:
Camera meters circle 3.5mm in diameter (approx 2.5% of frame). Circle is centered on current focus point, making it possible to meter off-center subjects.

hope that helps.

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talking abt the AF n its points, if we were to use the rule of third for composition, how is it possible to do that with a spot metering? thxs.

I am not using D7000.. but most Nikon cam you can lock the AE point. use the AF point.. press the AE lock button, recompose and AF.. then click.

oh, ok. so we can use this method. thxs.

I am not using D7000.. but most Nikon cam you can lock the AE point. use the AF point.. press the AE lock button, recompose and AF.. then click.

You can move the selected AF point. Camera will spot meter at that AF point.

from manual:
Camera meters circle 3.5mm in diameter (approx 2.5% of frame). Circle is centered on current focus point, making it possible to meter off-center subjects.

hope that helps.

ok, will try this method as well. thxs a lot for the tips n help.

ask u guys, for the D7k, on the LCD screen, by default there is a plastic over it which can be taken out. do we still need a screen protector for it? i ask becos the shop guy told me that its good to put a protective screen cos its easily scratched. do we really need a protective screen for a protective screen? thxs.

Konspire said:
ask u guys, for the D7k, on the LCD screen, by default there is a plastic over it which can be taken out. do we still need a screen protector for it? i ask becos the shop guy told me that its good to put a protective screen cos its easily scratched. do we really need a protective screen for a protective screen? thxs.

Don't get conned. The plastic protector can be bought if need be. Don't need to protect that one honestly.

Konspire said:
ask u guys, for the D7k, on the LCD screen, by default there is a plastic over it which can be taken out. do we still need a screen protector for it? i ask becos the shop guy told me that its good to put a protective screen cos its easily scratched. do we really need a protective screen for a protective screen? thxs.

No no, you're mistaken,
Im sure he meant take tht out, and use another, usually a stickon protector. Eg GGS lcd protector.

Do u need to use another other than tht is of course debatable.. Bt i'll recommend it because.

1. The default plastic protector is nt flush tight, so dust n sand particles may/ and often go in between to scratch e lcd.

2. e GGS Glass protector is clear n nice. Ok debatable..

3. Easier resale cause u can offer a no scratch nikon plastic protector..

4. Abt $15-$20?.. Still affordable

Ok all personal opinions, up to urself..lol:)

redmonsoon said:
No no, you're mistaken,
Im sure he meant take tht out, and use another, usually a stickon protector. Eg GGS lcd protector.

Do u need to use another other than tht is of course debatable.. Bt i'll recommend it because.

1. The default plastic protector is nt flush tight, so dust n sand particles may/ and often go in between to scratch e lcd.

2. e GGS Glass protector is clear n nice. Ok debatable..

3. Easier resale cause u can offer a no scratch nikon plastic protector..

4. Abt $15-$20?.. Still affordable

Ok all personal opinions, up to urself..lol:)

Say we use the gss glass protector will it be enter than the original nikon one? Cuz in bright sunlight the plastic causes excessive glare

Well its surely clearer cause its glass, almost like without anything is on it,

BUT its not UV coated or smthing so bright sun still must cup with hand or smthing lah or use some kind of lcd hood...

ok, thxs for your view. of cos, it's highly debateable la. anyways, just to clarify wif u

4. Abt $15-$20?.. Still affordable <-- this is the price of the GGS LCD protector or the plastic cover.

anyways, views r to be respected, maybe taking best of both worlds n as a kiasu singaporean, i would get the LCD protector n also use the plastic cover. anyways, i think the plastic cover looks nice n it's cheap as well. i got quoted on the LCD protector it was like $29??? :eek:

No no, you're mistaken,
Im sure he meant take tht out, and use another, usually a stickon protector. Eg GGS lcd protector.

Do u need to use another other than tht is of course debatable.. Bt i'll recommend it because.

1. The default plastic protector is nt flush tight, so dust n sand particles may/ and often go in between to scratch e lcd.

2. e GGS Glass protector is clear n nice. Ok debatable..

3. Easier resale cause u can offer a no scratch nikon plastic protector..

4. Abt $15-$20?.. Still affordable

Ok all personal opinions, up to urself..lol:)

Don't get conned. The plastic protector can be bought if need be. Don't need to protect that one honestly.

thxs for the headups man.....really was thinking like....what the hell i need the protector if there is a plastic cover alrdy....but then again, if in doubt, ask....

ok, thxs for your view. of cos, it's highly debateable la. anyways, just to clarify wif u

4. Abt $15-$20?.. Still affordable <-- this is the price of the GGS LCD protector or the plastic cover.

anyways, views r to be respected, maybe taking best of both worlds n as a kiasu singaporean, i would get the LCD protector n also use the plastic cover. anyways, i think the plastic cover looks nice n it's cheap as well. i got quoted on the LCD protector it was like $29??? :eek:

Probably Nikon original plastic cover is about that price.
I don't quite like it coz:
a) looks ugly (personal opinion)
b) has a gap which might allow small abrasive particles to get trapped in between LCD and it.
c) sticks out too far and presses against my nose.

If you stick those handphone kind of screen protector (thin plastic), you can still fix on the Nikon plastic protector.
But if you stick on the GGS protector, I don't think you can fix on the Nikon protector.

Konspire said:
ok, thxs for your view. of cos, it's highly debateable la. anyways, just to clarify wif u

4. Abt $15-$20?.. Still affordable <-- this is the price of the GGS LCD protector or the plastic cover.

anyways, views r to be respected, maybe taking best of both worlds n as a kiasu singaporean, i would get the LCD protector n also use the plastic cover. anyways, i think the plastic cover looks nice n it's cheap as well. i got quoted on the LCD protector it was like $29??? :eek:

Lol 29 is more exp than my iPhone protector lol. Dun kenna chop by them. Lap top protector so much bigger oso only 22 dollar

i saw from TK Foto the GGS LCD screen cover is nearly similar to the original nikon plastic cover is it? is that the one? if that's the case, maybe i'll get that, n its only $16 sia....way far from $29 i got quoted....

Probably Nikon original plastic cover is about that price.
I don't quite like it coz:
a) looks ugly (personal opinion)
b) has a gap which might allow small abrasive particles to get trapped in between LCD and it.
c) sticks out too far and presses against my nose.

If you stick those handphone kind of screen protector (thin plastic), you can still fix on the Nikon plastic protector.
But if you stick on the GGS protector, I don't think you can fix on the Nikon protector.

Lol 29 is more exp than my iPhone protector lol. Dun kenna chop by them. Lap top protector so much bigger oso only 22 dollar

ya lor....chop chop chop only.....piang...

Yeah. My iPhone screen protector is only S$5. A genetic screen protector from iPhoto (formerly Lords) is about S$6. Go figure man.

Blur Shadow said:
Yeah. My iPhone screen protector is only S$5. A genetic screen protector from iPhoto (formerly Lords) is about S$6. Go figure man.

Buy iPhone protector thn ur to size lor. Haha. The original plastic protector is a pain to use in bright sunlight

Lol 29 is more exp than my iPhone protector lol. Dun kenna chop by them. Lap top protector so much bigger oso only 22 dollar

Its different, it actually a piece of glass and not the flimsy plastic sheet you paste on your phones and laptops