Current price and package of FZ 20

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Hexlord said:
Just curious... are we going to let this remain as a sticky? Maybe can have a new thread on the FZ30 and FZ5 price packages ;)

I think we can just post all the Lumix cam pricing here, it will be a little troublesome to re-start new thread and request the mod to stick it up again...

Just checked in SIMLIM Square yesterday... almost all shops (1st and 2nd fl.) said no stocks for FZ20. Only one shop placed 2 shops beside AP said they have some stocks (black and silver) opened the price with $800... I guess w/o GST... No stocks meh:confused: ? I think it's a business strategy... to boost up FZ30 and FZ5... btw, FZ5 is quite a bargain rite now liao!;p And Sony H-1 is really a tempting choice... :thumbsup: except for the MS thingy...

chrispat said:
Not yet dude. Now waiting for the IT show in march and see if there's a beeter deal. ;)

Flying off on 16 march so still got time to wait and see.

Thanks for the info guys!

Dun waste your money on the FZ20 it is not worth it! At the end of the day, you will spend 1200++ for extra batt, tele-con, wide-angle etc... Fyi, prosumer cam including the Canon S2IS i had before is not good enough for night shoot. I finally gave up my prosumer for a Nikon D50 and loved it all the way!

Therefore, if possible save up for a DSLR instead if you really like to photoshoot. Otherwise, go for the fuji S9500 for its high ISO1600(good for low-light photography). As for flash, dun completely trust the salesperson and try out for yourself as some flashes is really useless or incompatible.

My 2 cents worth. :think:

Yes, Fumio.. there's a lot of good things to be said about DSLRs etc..

Although if you were to say about saving up.. think the D70s would be a better choice ;)

Wanted to ask about the S9500 from John 3:16 last time but was told that the FZ30 is a better choice!

You have to see who you talk to at John 3:16 bcos, one guy there "suan me" and say if i can spend 800 - 900 ++ on a prosumer , might as well buy a entry level DSLR! (i was at that time asking if they have wide-angle lens for my Canon S2IS). Therefore, i dun think they like to entertain the consumer or prosumer level ones. Research by yourself and go to AP, CP or bargain city to buy. This is my view . :)

i think we should re-make a thread with a finalised version of all the prices of the lumix cam's...the lumix family line is just starting to get bigger :)

Fumio said:
You have to see who you talk to at John 3:16 bcos, one guy there "suan me" and say if i can spend 800 - 900 ++ on a prosumer , might as well buy a entry level DSLR! (i was at that time asking if they have wide-angle lens for my Canon S2IS).

LOL same thing happened to me man! :sweat: :sweat:

Maybe they just want ppl to buy dSLR from them... ai yo... so they can sell more things to you...

Just saw Courts selling FZ20 at S$599......only Courts Causeway Branch....:bigeyes:

How long is the Courts offer valid for? Any free stuff? (Or am I asking for too much?)

Blur Shadow said:
How long is the Courts offer valid for? Any free stuff? (Or am I asking for too much?)

Only for this weekend I free cheap liao loh.....;)

Would like to seek comments from all on the following:

Total Pricing $1085 consisting of:
- FZ30 (Silver) - Standard package
- Extra panasonic original batt
- 55mm Hoya UV Filter
- Wide-angle converting lens (didnt check full specs on lens)
- * Does not include any SD media

Comments all ?

SoToNgMaN said:
Would like to seek comments from all on the following:

Total Pricing $1085 consisting of:
- FZ30 (Silver) - Standard package
- Extra panasonic original batt
- 55mm Hoya UV Filter
- Wide-angle converting lens (didnt check full specs on lens)
- * Does not include any SD media

Comments all ?

Inclusive of GST?

Hexlord said:
Inclusive of GST?
Believe so ... but need to confirm on that though ..

comments ?

friends, what is OME battery, is this orginal panasonic battery?

Hexlord said:
Inclusive of GST?
Just confirmed that the above price is inclusive of GST .....

is it worthy ?

Hexlord said:
It's OEM. It isn't an original Pana battery.

I tot OEM == original equipment manufacturer ... which means its the same thingy with mere difference in labels (branding sticker) ..

best denki (taka) selling display set 699....but dun know what is included....

SoToNgMaN said:
Would like to seek comments from all on the following:

Total Pricing $1085 consisting of:
- FZ30 (Silver) - Standard package
- Extra panasonic original batt
- 55mm Hoya UV Filter
- Wide-angle converting lens (didnt check full specs on lens)
- * Does not include any SD media

Comments all ?

$950, 512MB SD & lumix sling bang. 8 may, chked at ms color..

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