COP-Circle Of Photog. Season 3 TCSS

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alamak.. bbb is at a all time high especially with the comex!! So it's time to clock in a photo again.. and to bless this new thread!!


Ps. I have some unusual stuff taken at sentosa from today.. check it out in my flickr. =)

PLEASE STOP THE BBB!!! or if you must bbb for me a 24-70.

when is the next outing for 450 club?

outing? this one lah, too bad i cant go :cry:

C.O.P OUTING : Sharing Session on Reportage Photography @ LITTLE INDIA

Sharing Session with Bro Ardaan on street photography, explanation on setting when doing street photography, observation on how to approach objects, capture and lastly, summarizing the techniques.

Since this is a sharing and learning session, participants are encourage to stick with the group and not to roam around by themselves.

Open to 7 participants only

DATE: Sat, 3th Oct
TIME: 9.30am

Briefing and Introduction : 9.30am
Walkabout & Sharing : 10am onwards
Lunch & Q&A : 1pm

1) Haslan

hi guys.. just a qns..

i recently bought a canon ixus 100is(gold) for my mum at courts.. now apparently, when switching off the camera, the lens doesnt completely go flat in.. like a piece will stick out at a wierd angle.. she say maybe she knock smth while taking a photo but not sure..

qns.. you think its covered by canon warranty to get it fixed?? since i guess its only 2 mths it covered?

send it in charge, bang table :angry:

send it in charge, bang table :angry:

Canon seems to have no communication btw their technical department and customer svc department.

I send my flash in for svc, was told that there's repair parts and svc charges. I said well ok since I'm also informed via email beforehand.

Then the following day, the technical department called and say the part cost me $16 before GST. Fine since I need to get it repaired so I asked so is it $16 + $40 (for svc charges), the guy told me no, it's covered under warranty. I was like 'Oh really!!' in my head. Haha!

So since can check the repair status online, I login and check. True enough, there only indicated $16 and as I typed, my flash is ready for collection. Wheeee... SMS put $17.12 with GST. :bsmilie:

Bro, the date is only tentative. Can be on the 4th Oct. But I am thinking of reducing the group size to 5. Reportage/ street photography usually is a lone ranger thing :D

outing? this one lah, too bad i cant go :cry:

C.O.P OUTING : Sharing Session on Reportage Photography @ LITTLE INDIA

Sharing Session with Bro Ardaan on street photography, explanation on setting when doing street photography, observation on how to approach objects, capture and lastly, summarizing the techniques.

Since this is a sharing and learning session, participants are encourage to stick with the group and not to roam around by themselves.

Open to 7 participants only

DATE: Sat, 3th Oct
TIME: 9.30am

Briefing and Introduction : 9.30am
Walkabout & Sharing : 10am onwards
Lunch & Q&A : 1pm

1) Haslan

...Back from coalmex with WD 320gb and wireless mouse. Didnt buy memory cards for today..., thinking hard on a mini laptop.

...Back from coalmex with WD 320gb and wireless mouse. Didnt buy memory cards for today..., thinking hard on a mini laptop.

coalmex?? got new IT fair meh? :bsmilie:

still need to think ah? just BBB!:devil:

Bro, the date is only tentative. Can be on the 4th Oct. But I am thinking of reducing the group size to 5. Reportage/ street photography usually is a lone ranger thing :D

can't go...cos cam not with me...:cry:

something done recently..


i will slowly upload the rest here..


coalmex?? got new IT fair meh? :bsmilie:

still need to think ah? just BBB!:devil:

Yea, my face black after someone knock on me while walking blindly, and my WD nearly drop just seconds after buying.

That Dell mini in purple tempts me...luckily tomorrow Sat I super busy, sun....

C.O.P OUTING : Sharing Session on Reportage Photography @ LITTLE INDIA

Sharing Session with Bro Ardaan on street photography, explanation on setting when doing street photography, observation on how to approach objects, capture and lastly, summarizing the techniques.

Since this is a sharing and learning session, participants are encourage to stick with the group and not to roam around by themselves.

Open to 7 participants only

DATE: Sat/Sun, 3rd/4th Oct
TIME: 9.30am

Briefing and Introduction : 9.30am
Walkabout & Sharing : 10am onwards
Lunch & Q&A : 1pm

1) Haslan
2) vpsk01 aka Vin (only available on 4th of Oct.)(mistake, should be 4th, 3rd got to work)

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Can't make it cos I'm tentatively booked for photoshoot assignment.

Enjoy yourself to those who are going to learn from bro ardaan. :)

C.O.P OUTING : Sharing Session on Reportage Photography @ LITTLE INDIA

Sharing Session with Bro Ardaan on street photography, explanation on setting when doing street photography, observation on how to approach objects, capture and lastly, summarizing the techniques.

Since this is a sharing and learning session, participants are encourage to stick with the group and not to roam around by themselves.

Open to 7 participants only

DATE: Sat/Sun, 3rd/4th Oct
TIME: 9.30am

Briefing and Introduction : 9.30am
Walkabout & Sharing : 10am onwards
Lunch & Q&A : 1pm

1) Haslan
2) vpsk01 aka Vin (only available on 3th of Oct.)
3) Chooi Mei

Yay.. I uploaded some Gundam pictures from compass point taken today into a thread. Please Check it out! It's pretty interesting!

Gundam Fiesta 2009


Quite an interesting picture, if it wasn't for the reflection, it would be even better. ;)

C.O.P OUTING : Sharing Session on Reportage Photography @ LITTLE INDIA

Sharing Session with Bro Ardaan on street photography, explanation on setting when doing street photography, observation on how to approach objects, capture and lastly, summarizing the techniques.

Since this is a sharing and learning session, participants are encourage to stick with the group and not to roam around by themselves.

Open to 7 participants only

DATE: Sat/Sun, 3rd/4th Oct
TIME: 9.30am

Briefing and Introduction : 9.30am
Walkabout & Sharing : 10am onwards
Lunch & Q&A : 1pm

1) Haslan
2) vpsk01 aka Vin (only available on 4th of Oct.)
3) Chooi Mei

Sharing Session with Bro Ardaan on street photography, explanation on setting when doing street photography, observation on how to approach objects, capture and lastly, summarizing the techniques.

Since this is a sharing and learning session, participants are encourage to stick with the group and not to roam around by themselves.

Open to 7 participants only

DATE: Sat/Sun, 3rd/4th Oct
TIME: 9.30am

Briefing and Introduction : 9.30am
Walkabout & Sharing : 10am onwards
Lunch & Q&A : 1pm

1) Haslan
2) vpsk01 aka Vin (only available on 4th of Oct.)
3) Chooi Mei
4) LeGozt aka Keith

Can't wait for it, honestly! :D I haven't been out shooting as of late, been held up in camp. ORD-ing soon! ^^

Wooowwhhoo...Liverpool signed a shirt sponsorship deal worth 80mill pound with Standard Chartered. Bye Carlsberg!;p;p;p..ooppss wrong forum!

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