COP-Circle Of Photog. Season 1 TCSS

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Wow, I am so outdated. Hi, I am new to this new thread. :D

Welcome to the thread! Where gilas meet and do alot of BBB ( booze booze booze )and not so much of SSS. Be careful though cos there's a wide spread of the B1N1 virus here ( a new strain of virus which causes the victim to lose control of his buying pattern on photographic equipments/accessories ). You have been warned!!!:bsmilie::bsmilie::bsmilie:

Welcome to the thread! Where gilas meet and do alot of BBB ( booze booze booze )and not so much of SSS. Be careful though cos there's a wide spread of the B1N1 virus here ( a new strain of virus which causes the victim to lose control of his buying pattern on photographic equipments/accessories ). You have been warned!!!:bsmilie::bsmilie::bsmilie:

oit.. so far so good for me.. shutting my ears and eyes altogether. wahahah!

I think i got affected by other virus.. :p

For those who have not gotten the "Canon Sports + Travel Photography Seminar" link. Here it is again :

You must use InternetExplorer to register. Firefox may fail you.

After the seminar we are going to sss the NDP bring tripod, cable release, black card, camera, etc.

Somebody forgot to bring cable release the last NE3 show outing ...hahahaha

COPers attending :

[1] Thomas (aka Ardaan)
[2] Chooi Mei (aka Choomee)
[3] Haslan (aka Haslansalam)
[4] Eric (aka Dev2k8)
[5] Jimmy (aka jlkk76)
[6] Vin (aka vpsk01) - alamak i got no cable release

meet u guys there.. i will be at the padang from 1730hrs.. erhmm but im picnicking there instead of sss. hahahahaha!

anyway, i can 'rent' my wireless cable release FOC.. wohoo pm/sms me ;)

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oit.. so far so good for me.. shutting my ears and eyes altogether. wahahah!

I think i got affected by other virus.. :p

yea... got alot of bugs ard this days.. you must be infected with the LOVEbug.. got gf already forget us..

I need to get 580EX II.. Jialat man.. Seems to outgrown my gear.. how? :sweat:

Welcome to the thread! Where gilas meet and do alot of BBB ( booze booze booze )and not so much of SSS. Be careful though cos there's a wide spread of the B1N1 virus here ( a new strain of virus which causes the victim to lose control of his buying pattern on photographic equipments/accessories ). You have been warned!!!:bsmilie::bsmilie::bsmilie:
Look at my signature and you will know that I am already the victim. haha

Look at my signature and you will know that I am already the victim. haha

you give me your camera la.. and all the gear.. i sure make good use to it.. then its a small price to pay to be out of this hobby.. hahahha

yayaya let us help to rid you of this evil hobby....:bsmilie::bsmilie::bsmilie:

Bro Dev, dont say like that le, i feel very sad you know. just recently upgrade and you call this stupid, silly and boring hobby EVIL .... how can.

I need to get 580EX II.. Jialat man.. Seems to outgrown my gear.. how? :sweat:

just buy it...:angel:

Look at my signature and you will know that I am already the victim. haha

ur force is so much stronger than me....

i already step out of he force, i'm a changed man now..;)

What time you guys going for the preview? Maybe i will join you guys for the fire works shot. Never done it before, could use some shifu guidence. Haha:bsmilie:


wow...makin a rare appearance:eek:

PM ardaan for his contact number. :)

are u sure he will turn up??:think:

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