ClubSNAPpers in Melbourne..

I trust and use the highly informative Visit Victoria and navigational Whereis websites especially for countryside trips.

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - The official travel and accommodation site for Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Australian travel maps, street directory, driving directions & aerial photographs -

If you use a smart phone, or carry a laptop/tablet, these will be very useful.

Greetings Zichar,

Yes. My day tour of Phillip Island Pass states "Penguin Plus", so I should be on the platform you were on; the same one sinned79 posted. I have already bought woolen pullovers yesterday and am going to dress in layers as suggested. Thank you.

Greetings Jemapela,

Indeed, the first link you recommended - Welcome to Melbourne & Victoria - was one of the first I have bookmarked. I have downloaded some of their smartphone apps. Unfortunately, most of them require me turning on my mobile data plan (and location service) so I will make do with those offline maps and look for some free wifi spots (Federation Square) to update my location and plan my walks accordingly.

Thank you.

20 bucks gives you a prepaid card with data, no muss no fuss especially if you can't do without connectivity
There's an Optus counter at the airport (think it's the only carrier which has a presence there), they'll set it up for you

20 bucks gives you a prepaid card with data, no muss no fuss especially if you can't do without connectivity
There's an Optus counter at the airport (think it's the only carrier which has a presence there), they'll set it up for you

how much value in this prepaid card can I use for the data? anymore info?

20 bucks gives you a prepaid card with data, no muss no fuss especially if you can't do without connectivity
There's an Optus counter at the airport (think it's the only carrier which has a presence there), they'll set it up for you

I would strongly advise getting a Telstra pre-paid card instead. Optus is decent for phone-calls but their bandwidth fluctuates widely and is very inconsistent! Telstra does not have a booth or shop at the airport, but once you get off the SkyBus at Southern Cross, you should be able to find one quickly. A quick online search will reveal locations and opening hours.

I would strongly advise getting a Telstra pre-paid card instead. Optus is decent for phone-calls but their bandwidth fluctuates widely and is very inconsistent! Telstra does not have a booth or shop at the airport, but once you get off the SkyBus at Southern Cross, you should be able to find one quickly. A quick online search will reveal locations and opening hours.

thanks for the tips! i will need reliable bandwidth for traveling outside Melbourne.

Ah trust someone with local info! Heh, went with what was most convenient since it was right there
I must say I didn't have any trouble with signal strength when I was traveling, mostly to the Mornington Peninsula and back with just a couple of days in the city
Found it really useful since we went without a plan, drive till we can't drive no more then google/thonrtree/tripadvisor for available rentals in the vicinity

But I didn't finish the quota after 7 days
Not really a power user I suppose; battery life went down faster than bandwidth quota!
Should have brought an external power supply or at least the in-car charger :(


May I ask what's an equivalent of a '7-11 / Cheers', ie. a convenient store in Melbourne? Is one easily to be found in the CBD? Thank you.

In Australia 7-11 is called..................7-11. Amazing no? ;p

They're everywhere in the CBD. Unless you're going out into the outer suburbs, then you might not find any. But never fear, you can always find a pub for a beer or a cafe for coffee no matter where you go in Australia. :bsmilie:

Greetings engta,

Thank you for the link. Hust checked a while ago (Melbourne forecast) and the temperature range for the coming week is 'just fine; ie. cool & not cold' for some one who comes from an equatorial (hot & humid) region. However, it also forecast a 50% chance of precipitation. I do hope that I will be blessed with 'better weather conditions' for the middle of April.

Is autumn still too early in Melbourne? I do wish to see some autumn foliage. I will try to make it to Fitzroy Gardens which should be nearby.

For starters, I will also walk the 'Golden Mile Heritage Trail'; as was recommended by many websites for an eye-opener to the CBD.

Greetings engta,

Thank you for the link. Hust checked a while ago (Melbourne forecast) and the temperature range for the coming week is 'just fine; ie. cool & not cold' for some one who comes from an equatorial (hot & humid) region. However, it also forecast a 50% chance of precipitation. I do hope that I will be blessed with 'better weather conditions' for the middle of April.

Is autumn still too early in Melbourne? I do wish to see some autumn foliage. I will try to make it to Fitzroy Gardens which should be nearby.

For starters, I will also walk the 'Golden Mile Heritage Trail'; as was recommended by many websites for an eye-opener to the CBD.
Hi yyD70S, its the early 2nd month of autumn now.. warmer weather (>20 degrees Celcius) is normal, but should be less frequent by mid-April.

IMO, Melbourne's autumn is most beautiful during mid-late May.. when the weather is colder, min. temp. often drop below 10 degrees Celcius and max. temp. rarely above 20 degrees Celcius. You may be able to see some autumn foliage during mid-April, though probably not as much. Besides Fitzroy Garden, can also try Flagstaff and Carlton Gardens.. both easily reach by city circle free tram.. if you have more time, can also try the royal botanic gardens (take tram no.8 from Swanston St.).

I haven't try the Golden Mile Heritage Trail.. if time permits, you may want to consider the Dandenong Ranges and Yarra Valley too.. beautiful in autumn with some really good wine.

Wilsons Promenade is also another scenic place to go if you've got the time, I'm planning to go there sometime once I sorted out my accommodation (AGAIN?!?!?).

Wilsons Promenade is also another scenic place to go if you've got the time, I'm planning to go there sometime once I sorted out my accommodation (AGAIN?!?!?).

I think you meant Wilsons Promontory National Park, often called Wilsons Prom. It is considered the "crowning glory" of Victoria state for its extraordinary beauty surpassing the touristy Great Ocean Road and Grampians National Park, and I'm sure you will agree after you have been there. Lots of kilometers to walk since it is so highly protected from vehicular traffic (no cars beyond Tidal River).

For short stay visitors, the Prom is mostly enjoyed by locals and residents for camping and bush walking mainly due to its far distance, scarce amenities and geographic isolation, restricted vehicle access and absence of tour operators.

Greetings harnamsc & Jemapela,

Thanks for the recommendation on Wilsons. Unfortunately, I only have two full days in Melbourne City (the other three days on day tours to Great Ocean Rd, Phillip Is & Yarra Valley) so would like to just "walk around & soak it in".

By the way, was looking at some 'affordable eateries for lunch on Urbanspoon', e.g. Kinfolk, 11 Inch Pizza, Blue Moon Bar, etc', may I ask what it's like in Melbourne with regard to tipping?

P.S. Think sinned79 would have more time and will do Wilsons Promontory.

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By the way, was looking at some 'affordable eateries for lunch on Urbanspoon', e.g. Kinfolk, 11 Inch Pizza, Blue Moon Bar, etc', may I ask what it's like in Melbourne with regard to tipping?

P.S. Think sinned79 would have more time and will do Wilsons Promontory.

think its not a must to tip in Melbourne...

i have discovered Wilsons Promontory late... dun think I got time either... Already planned to revisit Great Ocean Road and a half day at Goldfields. Will explore Mornington + Philips Islands. Then probably a day at Yarra Valley (for sky diving and wine tasting).

Philips Island is not that great frankly. If you're travelling with family then Churchill Island would be good, but Philip Island is basically just a tiny town now. Not much to see, IMHO I would skip Phillip Island and head to Wilsons Prom instead. The only things worth doing at Phillips Island are the farm and nature walk at Churchill Island, and the fish n chips at San Remo.

Just my A$0.02 worth, I didn't really explore Phillip Island in detail so perhaps there's something I missed.

think its not a must to tip in Melbourne...

i have discovered Wilsons Promontory late... dun think I got time either... Already planned to revisit Great Ocean Road and a half day at Goldfields. Will explore Mornington + Philips Islands. Then probably a day at Yarra Valley (for sky diving and wine tasting).

Philips Island is not that great frankly. If you're travelling with family then Churchill Island would be good, but Philip Island is basically just a tiny town now. Not much to see, IMHO I would skip Phillip Island and head to Wilsons Prom instead. The only things worth doing at Phillips Island are the farm and nature walk at Churchill Island, and the fish n chips at San Remo.

Just my A$0.02 worth, I didn't really explore Phillip Island in detail so perhaps there's something I missed.

ohh there is a little town Cowes at Philip Island... which I missed exploring the last time I was there.

anyway... will decide again cos I have 3 days to explore Mornington + Philips Island. Since Wilsons Promontory is around the corner... might just pop by if time permits.